Vplug 1.5 ** Tps AU **


New member
V 1.5.0

- New : Added TPS-AU.

* Notes:
1- Only tested on 10873, for example on France5. Just wait 1 or 2 minute(s).
2- Added TPS_AU option to vPlug.ini. if you set it to 0 (make it inactive),
normal tps.bin file will be used, otherwise TPS-AU will be started and
new v_tps.db file will be created and used.

- Update : Fixed P*e*i*re N2 AU.
- Update : PMT & CAT parsers have been rewritten from scratch.
- Update : AU.Bin file has been removed. New format of Via-1 MK's in v_keys.db:

* V ProviderID M_Key_index M_key ; as usual
V ProviderID M1 your_SA_here ;

- Update : Added support for new NA N2 providers.
- Update : Fixed memory problems with long times running of AU features.
- Update : Disabled emm-s handling enabled again. now you can enter your cam-id in v_keys.db file.

* its new format :
N providerID M9 your_ID_here ; emm-s
N providerID M8 your_IDEA_key_here ; emm-s
N providerID M7 your_SIG_key_here ; emm-s
N providerID M6 your_RSA_Key_here ; emm-s


