Nucleus v3.24


Script Hacker
Nucleus CMS is open-source webblog management software written in PHP, with a MySQL backend, primarily written and maintained by Wouter Demuynck. It is used to manage frequently-updated Web content. With a little tweaking (mainly to skins) it might be considered a light content management system, although there is no facility to upload file types other than graphic files to be displayed within the blog pages. The current version is 3.23, distributed under the GNU General Public License and available free of charge.

Released Nucleus v3.24. This release fixes a recently discovered cross site scripting issue. While there are no new features in this release, upgrading is recommended when your Nucleus installation has the "Allow Visitors to Create a Member Account" option enabled.



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Bide Şunu Türkçe Yassaydın iyi oLurdu Be Copy Paste Başka Bişi Yoq Anasını Satim.. Bide Script Hackermış beLLi beLLi :D