işte knight işte biz Türkler :) (OYUNA DAMGAMIZ VURULMUŞ ;) ) *

Ŧ ℓ ε ŧ ¢ ħ

3 Eki 2005
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bu oyun Türk oyunu olarak adlanrılıyor bazı sitelerde :)
wikipedia.org daki oyunun sözlüğünden alıntı yaptım kalın yazılanları okuyun yeter :D

* AC - buffspell that enhances your defence.
* Assis. / Assistant - Clanassistant - can add people in the clan but not ban them.
* A.Q. - Turkish for f.u. ( fuck you)
* Buff - spells to improve a player's health and defence. For some players, a buff request equals hp buff and ac buff, some ask for buff (hpbuff) and ac seperately.
* Char - short for character. One account contains three characters to play with.
* chicken - a lvl 1-29 player who entered the beginner's quest, which allows higher lvl players to party with a lower lvl player. Adding a chicken to your party, usually enhances the xp.
* CZ - Normally people for Czech Republic, or Colony Zone
* CL - clanleader, can add and ban people. Shown with a green line under their name.
* D/C - Disconnect, players often refer to this if the game freezes and boots them.
* Drop - cheasure chest you get after you kill a monster, contains always money, but as an extra, weapons, armor, potions, spells, scrolls and questitems.
* Dupe - An item which has been duplicated using a glitch in the game. these items are 100% functional, but have the same "unique" ID number as the real item, and are deleted frequently during dupe wipes.
* HP - Health points or hit points, the amount of health a user has, measured by a red gauge.
* K- thousand
* KOSP - a commonly used hack program which allows characters to cheat (ex. shoot arrows while sitting down and thus regaining HP and MP)(FYI: you can use it but expect to be banned)
* KS - Kill Stealing Killing another person's enemy.
* Luring - When a character attacks a strong monster, then makes it follow them to a weaker character, then towns, usually causing the monster to attack and kill the lower level user.
* Macro - A program that automates the actions required to gain money or levels(Once again, use it and expect to be banned... whats the point of having a lvl 70 banned priest?)
* Merhaba - Turkish for hello
* M- million
* MP - Magic power, the measure of the capacity of one's ability to use magic spells
* noob - 1. favored curse word / 2. a less subtile word for a chicken or low lvl player
* NPC - Non-player character
* party - you can form a party with other players. Max. party members is 8. Most commonly used in ombination with "plz" ^^.
* PK - Player killing Killing another player
* PL - Partyleader
* PLZ - Please
* PM - When a user wishes to PM ( Privite message ) another player by writing - /PM Name.
* PvP - Player versus player, battles between two or more real users, rather than NPCs
* S.A. - Selam Aleiykum - Turkish for Hello
* SLM - Turkish For Hello
* subclan - clan formed by the same people of the "elite" clan counterpart but for lower lvl players.
* Towning - When a user types "/town", and teleports to the main town of the map.
* TP - Teleport, an ability possessed usually by mages which allows them to teleport users across the Knight Online world.
* TR - Normally people with TR in there name are From Turkey as it is there countrys symbol
* TS - Teamspeak. Software which enables to talk to one another via internet. Used by a lot off ke-players.
* +++++ - That is the same as Buff
* <<<<< or >>>>>> - That is the same as Swift
Kanka harbi ii be :d ellerine sağlık :D
hahah bence gelişiyoruz idare idin :)
Türk olarak adımız hileyle küfürle anılmasa keşke :(
eee her yerde çıkmışız :D:D:D:D daha ne isteyelim
ahaha abi... bizi bi de ko da cesur olarak biliolar... türk sanıp slm dedim birine adam gitti bu adam cesurdur alın party e dedi yahu :D doru walla damgamız vurulmuş :D
knight hiç oynamadım nasıl birşey onu bile bilmiyorum sayenizde merak ettim bu ne ya her yerde knight knight indircem birgün valla...
yok yok indirme sen boşver... tavsiye etmem... sora "yok abi başından kalkamıyorum, yok derslerim kötü gidiyo" deme :D
FLeTCh®' Alıntı:
bu oyun Türk oyunu olarak adlanrılıyor bazı sitelerde :)
wikipedia.org daki oyunun sözlüğünden alıntı yaptım kalın yazılanları okuyun yeter :D

* AC - buffspell that enhances your defence.
* Assis. / Assistant - Clanassistant - can add people in the clan but not ban them.
* A.Q. - Turkish for f.u. ( fuck you)
* Buff - spells to improve a player's health and defence. For some players, a buff request equals hp buff and ac buff, some ask for buff (hpbuff) and ac seperately.
* Char - short for character. One account contains three characters to play with.
* chicken - a lvl 1-29 player who entered the beginner's quest, which allows higher lvl players to party with a lower lvl player. Adding a chicken to your party, usually enhances the xp.
* CZ - Normally people for Czech Republic, or Colony Zone
* CL - clanleader, can add and ban people. Shown with a green line under their name.
* D/C - Disconnect, players often refer to this if the game freezes and boots them.
* Drop - cheasure chest you get after you kill a monster, contains always money, but as an extra, weapons, armor, potions, spells, scrolls and questitems.
* Dupe - An item which has been duplicated using a glitch in the game. these items are 100% functional, but have the same "unique" ID number as the real item, and are deleted frequently during dupe wipes.
* HP - Health points or hit points, the amount of health a user has, measured by a red gauge.
* K- thousand
* KOSP - a commonly used hack program which allows characters to cheat (ex. shoot arrows while sitting down and thus regaining HP and MP)(FYI: you can use it but expect to be banned)
* KS - Kill Stealing Killing another person's enemy.
* Luring - When a character attacks a strong monster, then makes it follow them to a weaker character, then towns, usually causing the monster to attack and kill the lower level user.
* Macro - A program that automates the actions required to gain money or levels(Once again, use it and expect to be banned... whats the point of having a lvl 70 banned priest?)
* Merhaba - Turkish for hello
* M- million
* MP - Magic power, the measure of the capacity of one's ability to use magic spells
* noob - 1. favored curse word / 2. a less subtile word for a chicken or low lvl player
* NPC - Non-player character
* party - you can form a party with other players. Max. party members is 8. Most commonly used in ombination with "plz" ^^.
* PK - Player killing Killing another player
* PL - Partyleader
* PLZ - Please
* PM - When a user wishes to PM ( Privite message ) another player by writing - /PM Name.
* PvP - Player versus player, battles between two or more real users, rather than NPCs
* S.A. - Selam Aleiykum - Turkish for Hello
* SLM - Turkish For Hello
* subclan - clan formed by the same people of the "elite" clan counterpart but for lower lvl players.
* Towning - When a user types "/town", and teleports to the main town of the map.
* TP - Teleport, an ability possessed usually by mages which allows them to teleport users across the Knight Online world.
* TR - Normally people with TR in there name are From Turkey as it is there countrys symbol
* TS - Teamspeak. Software which enables to talk to one another via internet. Used by a lot off ke-players.
* +++++ - That is the same as Buff
* <<<<< or >>>>>> - That is the same as Swift
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