biyoloji kitapları - ingilizce


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Anatomia Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy Volume 3 2003 Thieme
Anatomy of the Human Body - Henry Gray
Atlas Of Human Skeletal Anatomy - Juraj Artner
Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy ,Volume I Locomotor System - Werner Platzer, Werner Kahle, M. Frotscher
Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy, Volume 2 Internal Organs - Werner Platzer, Werner Kahle, M. Frotscher
Color Atlas Of Cytology, Histology, And Microscopic Anatomy - Wolfgang Kuhnel
Color Atlas of Physiology 5th Ed. - A. Despopoulos
Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy - Berthold, M.D. Block
Human Anatomy 6th ed - Kent Van De Graaff
Human Physiology - The Mechanisms of Body Function 8th ed - Vander
Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy Based on the International Nomenclature - Heinz Feneis, Wolfgang Dauber
Pocket Atlas Of Radiographic Anatomy 2d ed - Torsten B. Moller, Emil Reif
Review of Medical Physiology - 21 Edition - William F. Ganong
Schaum's Outline of Human Anatomy and Physiology - Kent M. Van De Graaff, R. Ward Rhees
Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology - Sylvia S. Mader

Neuroanatomy :
Atlas of Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology - Frank H. Netter
Color Atlas of Neuroscience Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology - Ben Greenstein, Adam Greenstein
High-Yield Neuroanatomy - James D. Fix
Neuroanatomy An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and Systems - Duane E. Haines

Anthropology :
A Handbook Of Economic Anthropology - James G. Carrier
Biological Anthropology An Evolutionary Perspective - Barbara J King
Genetic NatureCulture Anthropology and Science beyond the Two-Culture Divide - Alan Goodman

Behavioral science :
International Encyclopedia Of The Social & Behavioral Sciences
Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience - Jerry J. Buccafusco

Biochemistry :
An Introduction to Computational Biochemistry - Jeremy J. Ramsden
Analytical Biochemistry 3rd ed - David Holme, Hazel Peck
Basic Concepts in Biochemistry A Student's Survival Guide 2d ed - Hiram F. Gilbert
Biochemistry 3 ed - Lippincott
Biochemistry 5th ed - Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer
Biochemistry of Lipids, Lipoproteins and Membranes, 4th edition - .E. Vance, J.E. Vance
Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation 3d ed - Gerhard Krauss
Biochemistry The Chemical Reactions Of Living Cells 2d Ed Vols 1&2 - David E. Metzler
Biochemistry The Molecular Basis of Life - Trudy McKee, James R McKee
Color Atlas Of Biochemistry 2d ed - Jan Koolman, Klaus-Heinrich Rohm
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology - Biochemistry - 3rd Ed
Flavonoids - Andersen, Markham
Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry - Robert K. Murray, Darryl K. Granner, Peter A. Mayes, Victor W. Rodwell
Inorganic Biochemistry of Iron Metabolism From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Consequences, 2nd Edition - Robert R. Crichton
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition - David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox
Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry A Clinical Approach, 2nd Edition - Colleen Smith
Modern Experimental Biochemistry 3d ed - Rodney F. Boyer
Toxicological Chemistry and Biochemistry, Third Edition - Stanley E. Manahan

Bioethics :
Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 3rd edition - Stephen G. Post
Genetics and human behaviour the ethical context - Nuffield Council
Is Human Nature Obsolete Genetics, Bioengineering, and the Future of the Human Condition.(Book review) An article from Theological Studies - Andrew Lustig

Bioinformatics :
An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms - Melanie Mitchell
Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Biology - Lawrence Hunter
Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics - James Tisdall
Bioinformatics - From Genomes to Drugs - Thomas Langauer
Bioinformatics A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins - Andreas D. Baxevanis , B. F. Francis Ouellette
Bioinformatics Computing - Bryan Bergeron
Bioinformatics Methods and Protocols Methods in Molecular Biology - Stephen Misener , Stephen A., Krawetz
Bioinformatics Sequence and Genome Analysis - David W. Mount
Bioinformatics The Machine Learning Approach, Second Edition - Pierre Baldi, Soren Brunak
Blast - Ian Korf, Mark Yandell, Joseph Bedell
Calculating the Secrets of Life Applications of the Mathematical Sciences in Molecular Biology - Eric S. Lander, Michael S. Waterman
Computational Cell Biology - Christopher Fall, Eric Marland, John Wagner, John Tyson
Computational Molecular Biology An Algorithmic Approach - Pavel A. Pevzner
Computational Molecular Biology An Introduction - Peter Clote, Rolf Backofen
Current Topics in Computational Molecular Biology - Tao Jiang , Ying Xu , Michael Q. Zhang
Data Analysis and Visualization in Genomics and Proteomics - Francisco Azuaje
Data Mining Multimedia, Soft Computing, and Bioinformatics - Sushmita Mitra, Tinku Acharya
Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills - Cynthia Gibas, Per Jambeck
Gene Regulation and Metabolism Post-Genomic Computational Approaches - Julio Collado-Vides
Genetic Programming On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection - John R. Koza
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Arthur M. Lesk
Introduction to Computational molecular biology - Carlos Setubal, Joao Meidanis
Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics - James D. Tisdall
Microarrays for an Integrative Genomics Computational Molecular Biology - Isaac S. Kohane, Alvin Kho, Atul J. Butte
Practical Genetic Algorithms - Randy L. Haupt, Sue Ellen Haupt
Sequence Analysis In A Nutshell - Darryl Leon, Scott Markel

Biological Psychiatry :
Psychiatry as a Neuroscience - Mario Maj
Textbook of Biological Psychiatry - Jaak Panksepp

Biophysics :
An Introduction To Environmental Biophysics - Gaylon S. Campbell, John M. Norman
Biophysics - Vasantha Pattabhi, N. Gautham
biophysics 4th ed - oland Glazer
Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics - Oren M. Becker
Lectures in Theoretical Biophysics - K. Schulten , I. Kosztin

Biotechnology :
Biological Nanostructures and Applications of Nanostructures in Biology Electrical, Mechanical, and Optical Properties - Michael Stroscio
Bionanotechnology Lessons from Nature - David S. Goodsell
Biotech Industry - A Global, Economic and Financing Overview - B Bergeron & P Chan
Biotechnology and Communication The Meta-Technologies of Information - Sandra Braman
Biotechnology for Waste and Wastewater Treatment - Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff
Biotechnology Unzipped Promises And Realities - Eric S. Grace
Carbohydrate Biotechnology Protocols - Christopher Bucke
Cell and Tissue Culture Laboratory Procedures - Alan Doyle
Cereal Biotechnology - Peter C. Morris , James H. Bryce
Environmental Biotechnology Principles and Applications - Bruce E. Rittmann, Perry L. McCarty
From Biotechnology to Genomes The Meaning of the Double Helix - Philippe Goujon
Fruit and Vegetable Biotechnology - Victoriano Valpuesta
Glossary of Biotechnology Terms, Third Edition - Kimball Nill
History and Trends in Bioprocessing and Biotransformation - T. Scheper, N. N. Dutta, F. Hammar
History of Modern Biotechnology I - Springer
History Of Modern Biotechnology II - Springer
Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - Heinrich Klefenz
Marine Biotechnology in the 21st Century - Nrc
Modern Advances in Chromatography - Springer
Physics And Chemistry Basis Of Biotechnology - De Cuyper & Bulte
Plant Biotechnology and Transgenic Plants - Kirsi-Marja Oksman-Caldentey , Wolfgang H. Barz
Separation Processes In The Food & Biotechnology Industries - GRANDISON
Synthetic Polymers for Biotechnology and Medicine - Ruth Freitag
The Application of Biotechnology to Industrial Sustainability - Christian Aagaard Hansen
The Biotechnology of Ethanol - M Roher
Understanding Biotechnology - Aluizio Borem, Fabricio R. Santos, David E. Bowen

botany :
Aquarium Plants Their Identification Cultivation and Ecology - Karel Rataj
Carnivorous plants of the world - James Pietropaolo
Green Plants Their Origin and Diversity - Peter R. Bell, Alan R. Hemsley
Handbook of Plant & Crop Physiology Revised & Expanded - Mohammad Pessarakli
Introduction to Botany - James Schooley

Cell and Molecular Biology :
Advanced Molecular Biology A Concise Reference - Richard M. Twyman
Basic Cell Culture Protocols Methods in Molecular Biology - Cheryl D. Helgason, Cindy L. Miller
Cell Biology A Short Course 2d ed - Stephen R. Bolsover, Jeremy S. Hyams
Cell Cycle Control Mechanisms and Protocols Methods in Molecular Biology - Tim Humphrey, Gavin Brooks
Cellular Biology, A Short Course 2Ed - Stephen R. Bolsover
Chiral Separations Methods and Protocols - Gerald Gubitz
Data Analysis in Molecular Biology and Evolution - Xuhua Xia
Dictionary Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 2d ed - J. STENESH
DNA–Protein Interactions Principles and Protocols Second Edition - Tom Moss
Embryonic Stem Cells, Methods And Protocols - Kursad Turksen
Flow Cytometry Protocols 2d ed - Teresa S. Hawley
Genomic Imprinting - Andrew Ward
High-Yield Cell and Molecular Biology - Ronald W Dudek
Histology and Cell Biology - Abraham Kierszenbaum
Membrane Protein Protocols - Barry S. Selinsky
Molecular Analysis Of Cancer - Carrie Fidler
Molecular and Cellular Biology of Neuroprotection in the CNS - Christian Alzheimer
Molecular Biology in Cellular Pathology - John Crocker , Paul G. Murray
Molecular Biology in Medicinal Chemistry - D. Steinhilber
Molecular Biology of Human Cancers An Advanced Student's Textbook - Wolfgang A. Schulz
Molecular Biology of the Gene, Fifth Edition - James D. Watson
Molecular Biology of the Parathyroid - Tally Naveh-Many
Molecular Cell Biology 5th ed - Lodish et al
Nuclear Import and Export in Plants and Animals - T. Tzfira, Vitaly Citovsky
Oxford Dictionary Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology - Teresa Atwood
Pcr Cloning Protocols - Harry W. Janes, Bing-Yuan Chen
PCR Protocols 2d ed - John M. S. Bartlett
Plant Cell Biology - William V. Dashek
Protein Expression A Practical Approach - B. D. Hames
Protein Structure Prediction, methods and protocol - David M. Webster
Rt-Pcr Protocols - Joe O’Connell
Schaum's Easy Outline Molecular and Cell Biology - William Stansfield, Raul J Cano, jaime S. Colome
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms - Pui-Yan Kwok
Stem Cell Biology - Daniel R. Marshak
Stem Cell Biology and Gene Therapy - Peter J. Quesenberry
Steroid Receptor Methods - Benjamin A. Lieberman
The Biogenesis Of Cellular Organelles - Chris Mullins
The Encyclopedia Of Molecular Biology - Creighton

Developmental biology :
Developmental Biology - Scott F. Gilbert
developmental biology protocols - Rocky S. Tuan and Cecilia W. Lo
Evolutionary Developmental Biology of the Cerebral Cortex - Novartis Foundation
Key Experiments in Practical Developmental Biology - Jennifer Knight

Ecology :
Ecology of the Planted Aquarium A Practical Manual and Scientific Treatise for the Home Aquarist, Second Edition - Diana Walstad
The Nature Of Design Ecology Culture - Oxford University Press
Plant Ecology - Erwin Beck
Research Techniques in Animal Ecology - Luigi Boitani
The Ecology of the Cambrian Radiation - Andrey Zhuravlev

Entomology :
Entomology 3rd ed - C.Gillott

Epidemiology :
Basic Epidemiology - Beaglehole , Bonita

Evolution :
Cooperation in Primates and Humans Mechanisms and Evolution - Peter M. Kappeler
Human Evolution - An Illustrated Introduction, 5th Edition - Roger Lewin
Molecular population genetics and evolution - Masatoshi Nei
Selective Sweep - Dmitry Nurminsky
The Phenomenon of Science A cybernetic approach to human evolution - Turchin V.F

General :
Biology 6th ed - Raven Johnson
Biology 7th ed - Campbell, Reece
Biology Macmillan Science Library - Richard Robinson
Biology Science for Life - Colleen Belk, Virginia Borden
Discover Biology 2nd edition - Cain, Michael
Life The Science of Biology 7th ed - Bill Purves, David Sadava
Modern Biology - Postlethwait , Hopson
Practical approach to microarray data analysis - Daniel P. Berrar, Werner Dubitzky, Martin Granzow
Schaum's Outline of Biology - Fried, George H.
The New Penguin Dictionary Of Biology - M. Abercrombie

Genetics :
ABC of Clinical Genetics - Helen M. Kingston
Color Atlas of Genetics, 2nd ed - Eberhard Passarge
Evolutionary Genetics 2d ed - MAYNARD SMITH
Functional Genomics - Michael J. Brownstein , Arkady B. Khodursky
Genetics A Conceptual Approach - Pierce, B. A
Genetics and the Logic of Evolution - Kenneth M. Weiss
Genetics Principles And Analysis - Daniel L. Hartl
Genetics Vol 1, A-D - Macmillan Science Library
Genetics Vol 2, E-I - Macmillan Science Library
Genetics Vol 3, K-P - Macmillan Science Library
Genetics Vol 4, R-Z - Macmillan Science Library
Genome The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters - Matt Ridley
Genomics and Proteomics Functional and Computational Aspects - S?ndor Suhai
Genomics Protocols - Michael P. Starkey , Ramnath Elaswarapu
Introduction To Molecular Genetics And Geonomics - hearts
Introduction to Proteomics Tools for the New Biology - Daniel C. Liebler
Modern Microbial Genetics 2d ed - Uldis N. Streips
Plant Genomics and Proteomics - Christopher A. Cullis
Population Genetics A Concise Guide - John H. Gillespie
Protein Arrays, Biochips, and Proteomics - Joanna S. Albala
Proteomics in Practice - A Laboratory Manual of Proteome Analysis - Tom Naven
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Genetics - William D. Stansfield
The Behavioral Genetics of Psychopathology A Clinical Guide - Kerry L. Jang
The Genetics and Biology of Sex Determination - Novartis Foundation
The Genomics Age How DNA Technology Is Transforming the Way We Live and Who We Are - Gina Smith

Histology :
High-Yield Histology 2d ed - Ronald W Dudek

Mathematical Biology :
Algebraic Statistics for Computational Biology - Lior Pachter and Bernd Sturmfels
Mathematical Biology I. An Introduction Third Edition - J.D. Murray
Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences - M. Morel, Cachan

Biostatistics :
Advances in Clinical Trial Biostatistics - Nancy L. Geller
Biostatistical Methods in Epidemiology - STEPHEN C. NEWMAN
Biostatistics A Methodology For the Health Sciences - Gerald van Belle, Patrick J. Heagerty, Lloyd D. Fisher, Thomas S. Lumley
High-Yield Biostatistics - A. Glaser
Introductory Biostatistics - Chap T. Le
Introductory Biostatistics for the Health Sciences Modern Applications Including Bootstrap - Michael R. Chernick, Robert H. Friis
Primer of Biostatistics 5th Ed - Stanton A. Glantz

MicroBiology :
Applied Dairy Microbiology, Second Edition - Elmer H. Marth
Benson's Microbiological Applications Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology - Alfred E Brown
Freshwater Microbiology - Biodiversity And Dynamic Interactions Of Microorganisms In The Aquatic Environment - David Sigee
Kaplan Medical Step 1 Microbiology - Immunology
Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology - John P Harley, John Harley
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Microbiology - William A Strohl
Microbiology Demystified - Tom Betsy, James Keogh
Modern Food Microbiology 6th ed - James M. Jay
The Microbiology of Anaerobic Digesters - Michael H. Gerardi
Wastewater Microbiology - Gabriel Bitton
Wastewater Pathogens - Michael H. Gerardi, Mel C. Zimmerman
World of Microbiology and Immunology Vol 1 (A-L) - K. Lee Lerner
World of Microbiology and Immunology Vol 2 (M-Z) - K. Lee Lerner

Neuroscience :
Brain Facts A Primer on the Brain and Nervous System - The Society for Neuroscience
Elements of Molecular Neurobiology 3d ed - C. U. M. Smith
Neurological Foundations of Cognitive Neuroscience - Mark D'Esposito
Neuroscience 3ed - DALE PURVES
Theoretical Neuroscience Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems - Peter Dayan, L. F. Abbott

Paleontology :
History of geology and paleontology - Zittel K.A.

Systems Biology :
Foundations of Systems Biology - Hiroaki Kitano
System Modeling in Cell Biology From Concepts to Nuts and Bolts - Zoltan Szallasi, J?rg Stelling, Vipul Periwa
Systems biology - dynamic pathway modeling - Olaf Waulkenhour
Systems Biology Properties of Reconstructed Networks - Bernhard o. Palsson

Taxonomy :
Key to Soil Taxonomy - Soil Survey Staff

zoology :
Curious Creatures in Zoology - John Ashton
Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology
Integrated Principles of Zoology 11th ed - Hickman, Roberts, Larson
Zoology 5th ed - Miller , Harley



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bogazici universitesinden molekuler biyoloji ve genetik bolumunden mezunum ve su anda bogazici universitesinde biyomedikal muhendisliginde yuksek lisans tezi yaziyorum. bu paylastigin kitaplarin benim icin ne anlama geldigini bence tahmin edemiyorsun. cok tesekkur ederim arkadasim. calismalarinin devamini dilerim


New member
Dostum ya, enfes bir çalışma ama bunları tek tek yapsan daha da mükemmel olur. Çok şey mi istiyorum, kusura bakma, eline sağlık...


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kardes hangı konularda hangı partlar var onları yazsan varyaa... cokkk super olacak
cok sey ıstemıyorumdur umarım.


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bunları paylastığın için çok teşekkürler. ben bütün partları indirdim fakat hala kitapları açamıyorum yardımcı olabilir misin?


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Biology (Macmillan Science Library)4 Volume Set

From Booklist
Part of the Macmillan Science Library series, Biology serves students from middle school to the undergraduate level. It provides 432 signed entries on a broad range of topics pertaining to biology, including basic concepts (Antibody, Genetic code, Nervous systems, Wetlands); history of the science (Crick, Francis; History of medicine); related fields (Agronomist, Emergency medical technician); and issues (Environmental health, Genetic control and development) as well as topics of interest to young adults, such as smoking, birth control, alcohol, and STDs. Emphasis is on molecular genetics, human physiology, and biodiversity. The articles range in length from a few paragraphs to a few pages. They appear in alphabetical order, and each concludes with see also references as well as suggestions for further reading, including Web sites.

Helpful reference tools appear in the front matter of each volume, among them a geologic timescale, a metric conversion table, and diagrams of a typical plant and animal cell. Some 550 words appear in bold type in the text and are defined in the page margins as well as in a glossary. Each of the volumes contains a topic outline and index, and a cumulative index is found in volume 4.

The eye-pleasing layout features many colorful photographs and diagrams that will appeal to casual browsers, and the articles contain more than enough information to meet the needs of students. This informative set is highly recommended and would be a useful addition to a middle- or high-school library as well as a public library. RBB
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

Book Description
Watch electrons zip around the nucleus of a carbon atom ... Follow along as protozoa swim across colorful screens ... See photosynthesis illustrated in terms of "black boxes," with chemicals moving in and out or between the boxes ...

Something for students who need a little extra help understanding basic biological concepts and terms. This engaging, five-disk set of interactive Macintosh tutorials incorporates the latest computer technologies to define, explain, and visually portray concepts in a fun, yet meaningful way. This enhanced version features clearer, more compelling presentation and expanded topical coverage. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Product Details

* Hardcover: 800 pages
* Publisher: MacMillan Reference Books (December 2001)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0028655516
* ISBN-13: 978-0028655512

Volume 1

volume 1 rapid

Volume 2

volume 2 rapid

Volume 3

volume 3 rapid

Volume 4

volume 4 rapid


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gerçekten çok güzel bir hizmet yapmıssın tebrik ederim..
ben 39 dosyayıda indirdim ama şifre yanlış diyor...
doğru şifreyi göndermeniz mümkün mü acaba...


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mükemmelsiniz ama

muazzam kaynakları paylaşmışsınız arkadaşım..bir çok öğrencinin hatta insanların önünü açacak bir çalışma ayrıca tebrik ediyorum ..yalnız linkler kırılmış tarihi geçtiği için herhalde yenilemnizi rica ediyorum bizde bu eşsiz bilgilerden faydalanalım


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Sevgili arkadasim, ben de sydney de macquarie university de biomolecular sciences and biotechnology okuyorum ve bogazicinden vin-diesel in dedigi gibi bu paylasimin bizim icin ne demek oldugunu tahmin bile edemezsin. Bu benim hayatim boyunca gordugum en en en en guzel kaynak gercekten. Ne yazik ki, butun linkler silinmis sana yalvariyorum bu mesajimi gor ve linkleri yeniden aktive et kardesim. Mesajini sabirsizlikla bekliyorum, bu kaynaklari download edene kadar rahat uyuyamayacagim gercekten. Bu cagrimi duyup su guzelim linkleri aktive edersen sana omur boyu minnettar kalacagim gzkcy. Simdiden milyon kere tesekkurler


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harika bir paylaşım.. linkleri tazelemenizi sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum.. biyoloji okuyanlar için büyük bir hazine bence de...

