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1-22. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1- Because sales have been so low, we must ....... all our efforts on successful advertising.

A) purchase B) invite

C) concentrate D) convince

E) interrupt

2- Sue was embarrassed when she was caught ........ an overseas phone call as this had been forbidden by the boss.

A) sending B) raising

C) doing D) taking

E) making

3- Although he got good marks in all his subjects, his English is just not ....... for him to be able to study abroad.

A) sufficient B) qualified

C) shallow D) intelligent

E) accomplished

4- Though some women's liberationists are openly hostile to men, most want relationships between men and women that are based upon ........ respect.

A) contrary B) mutual

C) artificial D) envious

E) lessening

5- Tokyo is so ....... populated that it is almost impossible to find any open places to relax in.

A) densely B) basically

C) constantly D) continually

E) fluently

6- Evidently, he is more attractive than his brother but not ........ as intelligent.

A) bitterly B) highly

C) mostly D) nearly

E) hardly

7- Wilderness areas provide not only ....... for wildlife but also a place for people to relax.

A) danger B) shelter

C) extinction D) activity

E) resistance

8- Judging from their frequent ......... in legends and mythology, contests of strength would seem to be one of the earliest and most natural of human activities.

A) tradition B) tendency

C) hindrance D) agreement

E) inclusion

9- Wilson stood up too quickly and ....... a vase. Of course, it was an accident, but I do wish he’d been more careful.

A) put away B) brought up

C) broke into D) pulled down

E) knocked over

10- I thought I could ........ my sisters for my wedding preparations, but neither was very helpful.

A) count on B) blow down

C) dress up D) drop off

E) give out

11- The city council ....... a Metro system for years, but so far, nothing ....... of it.

A) planned/comes

B) has planned/was coming

C) has been planning/has come

D) was planning/came

E) had planned/had been coming

12- The first Christian missionaries ...... Japan in 1549, and Catholics in Nagasaki ..... their half-millennium celebrations in 2049.

A) had reached/would hold

B) were reaching/will have held

C) had been reached/hold

D) reached/are going to hold

E) have reached/will be holding

13- How I wish Tom and Karl ...... tickets for the plane on Friday night. Now they won't be present at the wedding.

A) have found B) can find

C) were able to find D) could have found

E) might be finding

14- With such works as "The Song of Hiawatha" and "Evangeline", Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ........ one of the first writers ......... distinctively American themes.

A) became/to use

B) has become/used

C) had become/was using

D) is becoming/being used

E) becomes/to be used

15- Sheena suffered a broken arm caused ...... her fall ...... an elephant while she was on holiday in Southeast Asia.

A) with/onto B) by/from

C) in/with D) down/like

E) for/by

16- Many people agree that her earnest devotion ....... human needs, combined ....... her charismatic presence, made the princess of Wales, Lady Diana, the most popular royal figure in Britain.

A) for/about B) from/in

C) off/for D) to/with

E) with/from

17- If ...... house were as small as ......, we would never be able to have friends stay over.

A) mine/you B) our/theirs

C) theirs/we D) it/us

E) them/they

18- Jeff, who isn't usually calm by nature, behaved exceptionally well at the debate last night, ......?

A) is he B) isn't he

C) didn't he D) did he

E) wasn't he

19- The food at that new Indian restaurant in the town centre is ...... I’ve ever eaten.

A) better B) so well

C) the best D) as good

E) well enough

20- When the party was over, there was practically ...... food left — just half a bag of crisps and a piece of cake remained.

A) all B) much

C) plenty D) no

E) none

21- Nobody knows ....... buffalo lived in America before the European invasion, but some estimates put the number as high as 100,000,000.

A) how much B) what

C) whose D) whenever

E) how many

22- ...... it’s been snowing hard all morning, there’s less than a centimetre on the ground.

A) Since B) However

C) Although D) In case

E) As if

23-27. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

The giant Andean system, (23) ...... is the longest mountain chain in the world, stretches along the entire western side of South America, (24) a/an ....... of about 8,900 kilometres. In elevation it (25) ....... only by the Himalayas in central Asia. The tallest peak is Mount Aconcagua, with a height of 6,959 metres. Located on the border (26) ....... Chile and Argentina, Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the Western Hemisphere. The width of the Andean chain is about 320 kilometres or less, except in Bolivia, where it (27) ....... to about 640 kilometres.


A) what B) which

C) where D) that

E) whose


A) access B) distance

C) arrival D) benefit

E) obsession


A) can exceed B) has exceeded

C) is exceeded D) exceeded

E) will exceed


A) between B) into

C) below D) among

E) across


A) declines B) invades

C) restricts D) multiplies

E) broadens

28-32. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

The charm of Breakfast at Tiffany's and the chilling suspense of In Cold Blood have one thing in common. (28) ........ were works of Truman Capote, an American writer noted (29) ........ eccentric characters and bizarre situations. In his short novel Breakfast at Tiffany's, Capote created one of his most unforgettable characters --- Manhattan playgirl Holly Golightly. The movie version (30) ........ in 1961. In Cold Blood was the result of Capote’s interest in the brutal murder of a Kansas farm family. For several years he dug up the facts, talking to everyone (31) ....... with the killing. Although it was based on fact, the book read (32) ........ suspense fiction and became immensely popular.


A) Most B) Either

C) Both D) All

E) Each


A) for B) with

C) in D) from

E) through


A) made up B) put in

C) tried on D) came out

E) turned off


A) connect B) to connect

C) connecting D) having connected

E) connected


A) such B) like

C) more D) much

E) rather

33-42. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

33- ......., unlike the second wave, which was seeking religious freedom.

A) Throughout history, wars have been fought in the name of God

B) Though primarily Muslim, Turkey has Jewish and Christian populations

C) The Crusades were efforts made by Rome to capture the Holy Lands

D) They want to visit Jerusalem not simply to see the historic sites

E) The earliest English settlers in America were motivated by profit

34- ......, we would have been late for work had we not left as early as we did.

A) Because of the terrible road conditions resulting from last night’s heavy snowfall

B) Since the trains are completely reliable and always arrive and depart on time

C) As the morning traffic is extremely light due to today’s being a bank holiday

D) Though we turned up to the 9 o'clock sales meeting just a few minutes before 10

E) It’s hard to decide what time we should get up to go to work tomorrow

35- Karla’s 14-year-old brother already weighs approximately 150 kilos, ..... .

A) even though Karla has been trying to slim for the last couple of years

B) and he just seems to be getting fatter and fatter every time I see him

C) because that is the equivalent to about 330 pounds in the imperial system

D) so he is nearly 185cm tall, which is well above average for his age

E) or to put it another way, exactly half of Karla’s weight of 75 kilos

36- While we were waiting to board the plane, ...... .

A) we'll have a long wait because it's been delayed

B) inside, the stewards helped us to fasten our seatbelts

C) I bought several magazines and some sweets

D) it did take off according to schedule, as usual

E) nobody minds because we are so excited

37- I had been quite a bit ahead of schedule on the writing of my term paper ..... .

A) when my computer stopped working completely and all of my files were lost

B) unless something terrible happens to me that I haven't been expecting

C) yet I somehow was able to get everything handed in by the date it was due

D) so it came as no surprise that, in the end, I didn't manage to finish it in time

E) although usually I'm the sort of person that does his assignments quite early

38- Before being hired by his current company, ...... .

A) Tom intends to look for another job just after starting this one

B) it's difficult to know whether Gerald was telling the truth when he spoke to them

C) he should be careful not to misunderstand the interviewer's questions

D) Dennis was asked a number of personal questions about his past

E) Marcos speaks English, but his level is elementary, or pre-intermediate at best

39- ....., others prefer to avoid the crowds of tourists and high prices of this season.

A) While most people take their holidays in the summer

B) Everyone enjoys a summer vacation because of the weather

C) Until the 20th century, most people could not afford to take a summer holiday

D) Though summer is considered the traditional holiday time

E) If only we could find a quiet place that was not too expensive

40- Because there are so many young graduates applying for jobs these days, ..... .

A) there are plenty of good jobs around if you look hard enough

B) not all of them are as qualified as they like to think they are

C) many of them are bound to be disappointed

D) there were sometimes hundreds of applicants for each job

E) it used to be more difficult to get a job than it is now

41- Unless the pending transit workers’ strike has been called off before then, .... .

A) it is unlikely as they are now very far from coming to any sort of agreement

B) it would have been very difficult to find a taxi as they were all in demand

C) the conditions on the city’s trains and buses have always been quite unpleasant anyway

D) they are demanding a pay rise, better working conditions and more holiday time

E) we’ll have to find an alternate means of getting to work tomorrow morning

42- Since she had never attempted to learn a foreign language before, ..... .

A) but it was difficult for her to learn to use her mind in a new way

B) in addition to the fact that she doesn't like foreigners anyway

C) perhaps it will not be as difficult as she fears

D) she was pleasantly surprised at what a rewarding experience it turned out to be

E) it will probably be difficult for her initially

43-46. sorularda, verilen cümlenin hangi sorunun cevabı olduğunu bulunuz.

43- Not as many as the number predicted by the majority of the press.”

A) Who is going to accompany the president during his visit to the Turkic republics?

B) Unless economic conditions change, unemployment will increase, won’t it?

C) Was the participation in the charity ball satisfactory?

D) Were there a lot of people at the demonstration for anti-globalisation?

E) Why was the press not allowed into the board meeting?

44- Only when I eat something with it; otherwise, I like it black.”

A) Do you take milk in your coffee?

B) Don’t you think your diet is too strict?

C) You haven’t put any sugar into your tea, have you?

D) Will you take your coffee with or without cream?

E) How would you like your tea?

45- Of course, and very clearly! There must be something wrong with your vision.”

A) Don’t you think you should have your eyes checked?

B) Can you hear what those people are talking about?

C) I can’t see anything on the sign over there, can you?

D) The print in this book is too small to be read easily, isn’t it?

E) How can you hear people speaking quietly so far away from us?

46- “Well, the boss wants it ready before the end of the month, but it does not seem possible to me.”

A) Have you encountered many problems in coping with the new order?

B) Are you sure this is the largest order you’ve received so far?

C) How long do you think the new order will take you to finish?

D) Is it true that you’ve fallen in disagreement with the boss about certain points?

E) Though you disagree with the boss, you have to do what he says, don’t you?

47-50. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

47- İlk kadın muhabirlerden biri olan Margaret Fuller, insanların rolleri cinsiyetlerine göre tanımlandığı zaman, insanlığın gelişmesinin çok kısıtlandığını ileri sürmüştür.

A) The theory that human development is severely restricted when people’s roles are defined by their gender was first promoted by the female reporter Margaret Fuller.

B) Margaret Fuller was one of the earliest female reporters who believed human development was severely restricted when people’s roles were defined according to their sex.

C) Margaret Fuller, an early female reporter, described how human development was hindered when people's roles were defined according to their gender.

D) Margaret Fuller, one of the earliest female reporters, argued that when people's roles were defined according to their sex, human development was severely limited.

E) According to Margaret Fuller, an early female reporter, human development is severely restricted when our roles are defined by our sex.

48- Yalnızlık ve bir yere ait olmama duygusu Carson McCullers'ın eserlerinde hakim olan temalardır.

A) Loneliness and a sense of not belonging to somewhere are themes that pervade Carson McCullers' works.

B) Besides loneliness, a sense of belonging to nowhere is a common theme in Carson McCullers' works.

C) Two pervading themes in Carson McCullers’ works are loneliness and having no sense of belonging.

D) Her loneliness and sense of not belonging to anywhere are reflected in the themes of Carson McCullers’ works.

E) Two of the most popular themes of Carson McCullers’ works were loneliness and a sense of belonging to nowhere.

49- Herhangi bir satış elemanı gibi, reklam da ikna etmeye çalışır; ancak, eninde sonunda karar, müstakbel müşterinindir.

A) Although the decision is always the prospect's, an advertisement is just like a salesperson who tries to persuade a customer.

B) An advertisement aims to persuade in the same way salespeople do and, likewise, the ultimate decision is made by the prospect.

C) Like any salesperson, an advertisement also tries to persuade, but the decision is ultimately the prospect's.

D) When exposed to advertising, a prospect is being persuaded just like by a real salesperson, yet the ultimate decision remains his.

E) Both salespeople and advertisements aim to persuade a prospective customer; however, the decision belongs solely to the buyer.

50- Dünyanın her yerinde, çok kurak, çok yağışlı ya da çok soğuk iklime sahip bölgeler genellikle seyrek nüfusludur.

A) Across the globe, areas which receive little rain, excessive rain or have extremely cold climates are normally sparsely populated.

B) Throughout the world, areas with very dry, very wet or very cold climates are usually sparsely populated.

C) All over the world, regions where the climate is very dry, very wet or very cold are the most sparsely populated.

D) If an area, anywhere in the world, has a particularly wet, dry or cold climate, it is likely to be sparsely populated.

E) The most sparsely populated areas of the world are usually those with extremely dry, wet or cold climates.


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51-54. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

51- Despite the background diversity of five million postwar immigrants, surprisingly few social conflicts have erupted in Australia.

A) Şaşırtıcı olan, savaş sonrası beş milyon göçmen alan Avustralya’da, bu kişilerin geçmişlerindeki farklılığa rağmen çok az sosyal çatışma olmasıdır.

B) Savaş sonrası Avustralya, geçmiş yaşamları birbirinden çok farklı beş milyon göçmen almış, buna rağmen çok az sosyal çatışmaya sahne olmuştur.

C) Geçmiş yaşamı birbirinden çok farklı beş milyon göçmen savaş sonrası Avustralya'ya yerleşmiş, ama şaşılacak derecede az sosyal çatışma yaşamıştır.

D) Beş milyon savaş sonrası göçmenin geçmiş yaşamındaki çeşitliliğe rağmen Avustralya'da şaşılacak derecede az sosyal çatışma patlak vermiştir.

E) Avustralya'da, geçmiş yaşamları çeşitlilik gösteren beş milyon savaş sonrası göçmenin bulunması, ama çok az sosyal çatışmanın olması şaşırtıcıdır.

52- Early photographs were called sun pictures because sunlight itself was used to create the image.

A) Güneş resimleri de denilen ilk fotoğraflarda görüntünün yaratılması için doğrudan güneş ışığından yararlanılırdı.

B) Görüntünün yaratılması için güneş ışığının kendisinin kullanıldığı ilk fotoğraflara güneş resimleri denmekteydi.

C) İlk fotoğraflarda olduğu gibi, görüntüyü yaratmak için güneş ışığının kendisi kullanılıyorsa, bunlara güneş resimleri denir.

D) İlk fotoğraflara güneş resimleri denmesinin nedeni görüntünün yaratılmasında güneş ışığının kullanılmasıdır.

E) İlk fotoğraflara güneş resimleri denirdi; çünkü, görüntünün yaratılması için güneş ışığının kendisi kullanılırdı.

53- In cases of murder, the chief tool of forensic medicine to determine the cause and time of death is the autopsy.

A) Cinayet olaylarında, ölümün nedenini ve zamanını belirlemek için adli tıbbın başlıca aracı otopsidir.

B) Cinayet olaylarında adli tıp, ölümün nedenini ve zamanını belirlemek için otopsiyi kullanır.

C) Otopsi sayesinde adli tıp, bir ölümün cinayet olup olmadığını, nedenini ve zamanını belirler.

D) Adli tıbbın başlıca aracı olan otopsiyle, cinayet olaylarında ölümün nedeni ve zamanı belirlenmektedir.

E) Adli tıp, cinayet olaylarında ölümün nedenini ve zamanını belirleyebilmek için en çok otopsiden yararlanır.

54- It's commonly believed that people's moral judgements are shaped according to the customs and traditions of the society in which they live.

A) İnsanların ahlaki yargılarını, içinde yaşadıkları toplumun gelenek ve göreneklerinin biçimlendirdiği görüşü genel olarak kabul görür.

B) Yaygın bir inanışa göre, ahlaki yargıları, insanların içinde yaşadıkları toplumun gelenek ve görenekleri belirlemektedir.

C) İnsanların ahlaki yargılarının, içinde yaşadıkları toplumun gelenek ve göreneklerine göre biçimlendiğine yaygın olarak inanılmaktadır.

D) Genel olarak, insanların ahlaki yargılarının şekillenmesinde, içinde yaşadıkları toplumun gelenek ve göreneklerinin etkili olduğu düşünülür.

E) Yaygın olarak insanlar, ahlaki yargıların, içinde yaşanılan toplumun gelenek ve göreneklerine göre şekillendiğine inanmaktadır.

55-57. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Henry Mouhot was searching for rare butterflies, birds and insects in Cambodia when he came across Angkor, the capital city of the Khmers, a people who had dominated Southeast Asia for six centuries. The city was founded in 889 by Yasovarman I, king of the Khmers. Each succeeding monarch enlarged and enhanced the city until it was conquered by the Siamese in 1431. Khmer society was destroyed and the conquerors took with them all they could carry. A year later, the Siamese returned, but when they entered Angkor, they found the city deserted. The Khmer had fled, leaving their great architectural achievement to the jungle. By the time Mouhot came across it in 1858, its only inhabitants were about a million monkeys.

55- We learn from the passage that Henry Mouhot ...... .

A) actually intended to locate the lost city of Angkor

B) found a large number of rare butterflies in Angkor

C) had already been told about the city of Angkor

D) had not heard of a place called Angkor before

E) discovered Angkor accidentally

56- It’s clear from the passage that from its founding in 889 to 1431, Angkor ...... .

A) got bigger and more beautiful

B) was under the control of the Siamese rulers

C) was seriously damaged by the Siamese

D) remained the centre of architectural education

E) had to resist many attacks by the Siamese

57- Upon reading the passage, we get the feeling that the Khmer people .... .

A) were forced by monkeys to abandon their capital city

B) were very fond of monkeys

C) remained unknown for six centuries

D) disappeared from the city of Angkor mysteriously

E) were accustomed to living in desert conditions

58-60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

On the morning of 28 April, 1789, the most famous mutiny in the history of the British navy took place when Lieutenant Fletcher Christian, with the help of the crew, took command of the "Bounty" from her commander, William Bligh, in the south Pacific. The cause of the famous mutiny has never been satisfactorily explained. Bligh was a good officer, not the heartless, flogging tyrant he is often represented as. One thing is certain: the mutiny was not long thought about and took the ship's officers, including Bligh, entirely by surprise. Christian, the acknowledged ringleader, had been a favourite of Bligh's. The personality of Fletcher Christian has so captivated film makers that he has been played, in different eras, by Clark Gable, Marlon Brando and Mel Gibson.

58- The passage tells us that the "Bounty" is famous because ....... .

A) it explored the South Pacific

B) it was commanded by a heartless, tyrant captain

C) its crew rebelled against its commander

D) Fletcher Christian was one of the most famous captains in the British navy

E) it had a good commander

59- We understand from the passage that the motive for the mutiny on the "Bounty" ..... .

A) is still not clear

B) was revenge against a cruel captain

C) has never been researched

D) was greed

E) is obvious to naval historians

60- The author seems to believe that Captain Bligh ..... .

A) deserved to be represented by famous actors

B) was unfairly portrayed as being heartless and tyrant

C) oppressed Fletcher Christian and his supporters

D) suspected the mutiny for a long time

E) was not very successful as a commander

61-63. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

About 4000 years ago, the Egyptians tamed an African wild cat. Closely associated with the cat-headed goddess Bast, their lean Abyssinian-like cats were working deities. They earned their keep by ridding granaries of rats. So important was the cat as a defense against famine and disease in Egypt that the punishment for killing one was death. It was illegal to export Egyptian cats. Nevertheless, by 900 BC, they had been smuggled out to all parts of Europe. There they bred with the local wild cats and produced two other basic feline body types, one short-haired and one long-haired type. Cats were idolised in the 14th century when the bubonic plague was spread throughout Europe by rats. Unfortunately, they were also brutally hunted and murdered during mediaeval witch-hunts.

61- The author says that Egyptian law ..... .

A) forbade bringing cats into the country

B) led to a profitable European cat trade

C) concerning cats started around 900 BC

D) regarded cat-killing as a very serious offence

E) gave cats more rights than humans

62- We can conclude from the passage that ancient Egyptians ..... .

A) chose the best-looking cat as their goddess and named her Bast

B) believed that cats had to work hard to stay lean

C) were aware of the cat's usefulness against rats

D) considered cats to be descended from their goddess, Bast

E) blamed cats for transmitting diseases to humans and causing famines

63- The passage suggests that in Europe, ...... .

A) cats have always been very popular animals

B) cats were imported by witches in the 14th century

C) cats were at times praised, at others killed

D) governments hired cats to combat some diseases

E) people feared cats, as if they were brutal murderers

64-66. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

The divine right of kings is the belief that monarchs get their right to rule directly from God, rather than from the consent or wish of the people as in modern democracies. According to this belief, it is up to God to punish a wicked king. So far as the people are concerned, "the king can do no wrong." This idea was at its height in England during the reign of the Stuarts and in France during the reign of Louis XIV. The first blow at the divine right was the execution of the English king, Charles I, in 1649. The French Revolution completely discredited the belief, and asserted the doctrine that the right to rule came from the people. But the divine-right doctrine lasted long after that time. It was asserted in the early 1900s by the German emperor, Wilhelm II, as King of Prussia, and by Czar Nicholas II of Russia.

64- The divine right of kings, as described in the passage, ... .

A) required the king to get approval for his reign from the people he ruled

B) enables them to rule fairly and faultlessly

C) gave people far more control of their rulers than is possible with modern governments

D) was an idea invented by the Stuarts of England and Louis XIV of France

E) is in direct conflict with the principles of modern democracy

65- The execution of England’s Charles I, according to the passage, ... .

A) wouldn’t have occurred had the English not got the idea from the French Revolution

B) started an important series of political events that eventually led to the French Revolution

C) happened because the people grew tired of waiting for God to punish this wicked king

D) was the first action to undermine the idea that God gave kings the right to rule

E) came about as a result of the king insisting that he was working directly for God

66- It can be concluded from the passage that ........ .

A) Prussia was the last country where people favoured the divine right

B) no king claimed to have the divine right between 1649 and the early 20th century

C) the idea that Wilhelm II got his power directly from God came from the German people

D) Russia’s Czar Nicholas II claimed that God had given him the right to rule

E) before there were kings, all nations were governed directly by God himself

67-69. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Tropical rainforests are the richest habitats on the Earth, forming a green belt around the equator. While they cover only 8% of the globe’s land area, they are home to 50% of all plant and animal species. They also play an important role in protecting the Earth’s soil, water and air — things upon which humans are totally dependent. The destruction of the rainforests has been going on for centuries, but losses accelerated in the 1950s and again in the 1980s. By 1988, over half of these forests were gone and they are still being destroyed at the rate of 200,000 square kilometres per year, an area four-fifths the size of Britain. At the present rate, few rainforests will survive far into the 21st century. This would result in huge environmental problems, including mass extinctions of species and the elimination of tribal peoples.

67- The author informs us that tropical rainforests ..... .

A) are inhabited by about half of all species despite covering less than a tenth of the land

B) are the only places on the Earth where soil, water and air are protected in any manner

C) would not exist if it were not for the efforts of those who are trying to protect them

D) have shrunken to covering a mere 8% of the Earth’s surface from their peak of about 50%

E) are the home to some of the richest individuals ever to have lived on this planet

68- We learn from the figures in the passage that deforestation .... .

A) has already happened to about 80% of Britain’s native forests

B) is occurring in an area four-fifths the size of Britain every year

C) causes the size of the remaining rainforests to be halved each year

D) has been decreasing since the middle of the twentieth century

E) on the entire island of Great Britain will soon be complete

69- The loss of the rainforests, according to the passage, .... .

A) is being accelerated by the actions of the people who live inside the forest themselves

B) will have the worst effects on Great Britain due to its location

C) will also result in a total loss of plants, animals and tribal people living in them

D) will definitely have been completed by the end of the twenty-first century

E) could possibly be prevented if something were done about the destructive tribal peoples

70-72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Throughout history, people have been imprisoned and sometimes even executed for refusing to kill, join the army or cooperate with the draft. Governments have tended to brand them as cowards and traitors, and their beliefs have been misrepresented and ridiculed, but such people continue to reappear the world over. Pacifists believe that wars will not bring peace. They oppose all killing and refuse to use war or violence to settle their affairs. In general, the pacifist stand against war is based on a fundamental respect for human life, often expressed in religious, ethical or strictly personal terms. Pacifists have been willing to die for their ideals, but they will never kill for them.

70- According to the author, the harshest punishment for being a pacifist .... .

A) has never been extremely severe

B) is that they have been ridiculed

C) has been to be thrown into prison

D) is to be made to join the army

E) has been to be put to death

71- The author clearly feels that pacifists .... .

A) will kill in certain circumstances

B) are not reluctant to die, but only to kill

C) are traitors to their countries

D) are no longer in existence

E) are basically afraid of violence

72- It is stated in the passage that pacifists .... .

A) are clearly very religious people

B) join the army but refuse to fight

C) are all respectable people

D) are against using violence

E) do not believe in peaceful means

73-75. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

The first man-made object to leave our solar system was the Pioneer 10 spacecraft. It was launched from Cape Kennedy on March 3rd, 1972, and was designed to pass close to the planet Jupiter and then continue into deep space. A gold plaque, about 15 cm by 22 cm, was placed on the spacecraft. On the plaque was a diagram showing the solar system and its location in the galaxy. There was also a drawing of a naked man and woman, standing in front of a picture of the spacecraft. The man's right hand was raised in a gesture of friendship. It is unlikely, however, that the plaque will ever be seen again. If it were found by an alien civilisation, it seems improbable that they would be able to interpret it.

73- It is implied in the passage that ..... .

A) some scientists hope to contact intelligent beings from outer space

B) an alien civilisation is attempting to make contact with the Earth

C) there are many forms of life in outer space

D) the idea of intelligent life beyond our solar system is ridiculous

E) no one wants to try to contact alien civilisations even if they exist

74- The Pioneer 10 spacecraft ...... .

A) had the distinctive feature that it was the first man-made object to leave our solar system

B) had to be small, only 15 cm by 22 cm, because of the length of its journey

C) was launched from Cape Kennedy in hopes of discovering gold in outer space

D) was designed to travel within our solar system

E) landed on the planet Jupiter

75- The author believes that ..... .

A) intelligent beings will undoubtedly find the plaque

B) the Pioneer 10 spacecraft should return to the Earth in the near future

C) alien beings would not be able to understand the drawing on the spacecraft

D) alien beings might make a close interpretation of the plaque

E) raising the right hand is a good way to make friends with aliens

76-80. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan seçeneği bulunuz.

76- The tribesmen believe disasters happened because the remains of the god had been taken away.

A) The remains of the tribal god were removed because they were blamed for all the disasters that were happening.

B) Since the remains of the god of the tribe were removed, more disasters than normal have been occurring.

C) Any disasters which have occurred since the remains of the god were removed have been blamed on other gods.

D) We believe all these disasters are happening because they took the body of the tribe’s god away.

E) The tribesmen are of the opinion that the removing of the god’s remains resulted in disasters occurring.

77- With the rising cost of food nowadays, many people can't afford not to be on a diet.

A) Food is getting so expensive these days that many people don't have enough money to eat as much as they should.

B) Some people might as well try to lose weight now because it will help them with reducing their overall food budget.

C) It has got so costly to buy normal food that health food doesn't actually cost any more nowadays.

D) Even if they eat less, some people still have difficulty meeting their expenses due to the recent increase in food prices.

E) Although food has increased in price, those who are dieting haven't noticed because they've been eating less.

78- Because of the strike by baggage handlers at Heathrow Airport, it took ages for us to get our bags.

A) In spite of the strike by baggage handlers at Heathrow Airport, it did not take that long to get our bags.

B) In this day and age it is surprising that baggage handlers at Heathrow Airport still go on strike.

C) We knew it was going to take us a long time to get our bags as baggage handlers at Heathrow Airport were on strike.

D) The strike by baggage handlers at Heathrow Airport caused us to wait a long time for our luggage.

E) If baggage handlers at Heathrow Airport have stopped their strike, we might get our bags quickly.

79- I don’t care what you’ve been told — the water from the taps here is not safe to drink.

A) I’m personally unconcerned about the fact that people say it’s unhealthy to drink from the tap here.

B) Although the water here might not be safe to consume, I’m certain that it won’t make you ill.

C) Though people claim you can drink the water in this place, I’m not very keen on doing so.

D) I know it’s none of my business, but for health reasons, I’d advise you against drinking the tap water.

E) The tap water here is unfit for human consumption, regardless of what you may have heard.

80- My old school friends and I go out for lunch or dinner together every now and then.

A) The aged people whom I met at school occasionally join me for an evening or noontime meal.

B) I meet my old school friends occasionally to have lunch or dinner at a restaurant.

C) Nowadays, I eat out with my friends from school, which is something I used to do in the past as well.

D) From time to time, I run into my mates from school when I’m eating lunch or dinner at restaurants.

E) Though my friends from school are getting old, we still get together for the occasional lunch or dinner.

81-85. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

81- Sarah Dematera was 19 years old when she arrived in Saudi Arabia in November 1992 from her native Philippines to begin a job as a domestic worker. ..... . She has been held at al-Damma prison ever since. Five years after her arrest, Amnesty International learnt that she had been sentenced to death, but it appears that even today Sarah is still unaware of her sentence.

A) As soon as she was captured, she managed to escape into Jordan after murdering the policeman

B) Four days later, she was arrested for the murder of her employer, a crime she denies committing

C) In less than a week, she was executed for the crime without ever having had a proper trial

D) She had no lawyer and lost her case in court, so she appealed her sentence directly to the king

E) It was later discovered that she had previously been charged with another murder in Oman

82- Bullfighting in Spain is a multi-billion peseta business and it is estimated that around half a million Spaniards are employed either directly or indirectly in the sport known as ‘los toros’. ...... . Moreover, there is even a small, but growing, opposition to the sport by animal welfare groups. Contrary to claims that bullfighting was dying out in the 1980s, however, the 1990s saw a dramatic increase in the popularity of the sport as it attracted audiences composed of people from all parts of society, from farmers and villagers to film stars and politicians.

A) Los toros is a cultural activity in which aspects of both art and ritual are combined

B) Fans argue that the life of a fighting bull is far better than that of one raised for beef

C) Nevertheless, there are many Spaniards who have never seen a bullfight except on TV

D) Regular ‘corridas’ are also held in smaller bullrings in the towns outside of Madrid

E) Many often take part in ‘encierros’, where young bulls chase young men through the streets

83- Two of the most vital functions performed by individuals and institutions in any economy are saving and investment. Without these, economies would not grow and flourish. ...... . The ant worked diligently all summer to put away enough food for the winter, while the frivolous grasshopper chirped and played. When winter arrived, the grasshopper had no food to eat; the ant, however, had plenty.

A) The concept of saving is at least as old as Aesop's fable "The Ant and the Grasshopper"

B) People in a society of abundance may not notice the limits on resources until a crisis occurs

C) Grasshoppers and katydids are among the noisiest and most musical of the insects

D) In any economy, individuals have two ways to use income — they can spend it or save it

E) In "The Dove and the Ant", a dove saves an ant from drowning in a river

84- ......, so they were frightened when a total eclipse cut off the sun's light. Fortunately, total eclipses last only a few minutes at most, so the people were soon reassured that the sun would continue to shine.

A) Solar and lunar eclipses have long been of interest because they are easily seen without a telescope

B) Accounts of total solar eclipses are found among the oldest records of history

C) The people of some early civilisations thought that the sun was a god, the source of all life

D) Total solar eclipses have helped scientists obtain much knowledge about the nature of the sun

E) Some Plains Indian tribes held sun dances that sometimes continued for over a week

85- ..... . This is because a dog for a growing family must be able to stand rough treatment. A toy dog would be a poor choice for such a family because its tiny bones are fragile enough to break when children handle it roughly. In general larger dogs, such as Labrador retrievers or German shepherds, are better adapted both physically and temperamentally for a young family.

A) Dogs, unlike people, are not usually bound by the rules and regulations of human society

B) The presence of young children in the family should be a factor in selecting a dog

C) Dogs have long suffered punishment under human laws but have never enjoyed any rights

D) People in the city as well as those in other areas can enjoy a dog

E) Medium-size or small dogs are best suited for the confines of the city

86-90. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun düşen cümleyi bulunuz.

86- You’ve spent a long time trying to find an original dress for the New Year’s party you’ve been invited to and think you have come up with something unique. You happily get dressed and head off to the event. However, upon arriving, you notice that one of your friends is wearing exactly the same thing. Accepting it’s too late to do anything about it, you go up to her and comment jokingly:

A) I really wish you’d told me what you were wearing. This is more than a little embarrassing.

B) Okay, which one of us is going to go home now and change into something different?

C) Why did you decide to wear that when you knew that I was coming in the same thing?

D) If we stick together all evening, people will either think we’re twins or they’re seeing double.

E) I think I’m going home. I can’t bear having people commenting on this all of next year.

87- You’re on holiday and travelling round a large foreign country. At the end of your trip, you need to catch your flight home from the capital city. You’d planned to fly the 1,000 km from your last destination to the capital and catch your homeward flight. What you hadn’t planned on was all of the flights being fully booked. When you find out about this problem and accept that air travel is impossible, in an effort to make the trip as comfortably as possible, you ask the travel agent hopefully:

A) What do you think about my chances of hitch-hiking there from here?

B) Do you think you would be able to cancel somebody else’s flight so I can get one?

C) Would it be possible to get a sleeping car on an express train the night before?

D) Don’t you think it would have been a good idea to tell me this before I came here?

E) Just what kind of air transport system do you think you have in this country?

88- You’ve just been offered a promotion and a pay rise by your boss. However, by taking on the new position, you’ll be forced to relocate to another city. Being an only child, you’re worried about leaving your parents alone as both of them are getting old and neither is in very good health. You consider the offer very seriously and in the end decide your family is more important than your career. You tactfully inform your boss of your decision in such a way as to let her know that you’d still like to be considered for other opportunities to advance, by saying:

A) I wish you wouldn’t put me in such awkward situations. My parents need me, you know.

B) There’s no way you can trick me into leaving my parents when they’re both so weak.

C) Would it be possible to get someone reliable to look after my parents after I move?

D) I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think this is a very good time to leave my parents alone now.

E) What would you do if you had to choose between your family and your profession?

89- A friend has heard rumours about an investment scheme that will supposedly double his money in two months. He is planning to take his life savings out of the bank and try this scheme. You fear that it might be a swindle and that he might lose his money. You want to warn him saying tactfully:

A) Let me have the phone number. I want to put some money into it as well.

B) Have you checked with anyone to make sure that this company is reputable?

C) Do you mean it's such a good deal that they don't even advertise in the newspapers? It must be great.

D) I'll see how you do. Then, if you don't lose everything, I might try it.

E) Don't come begging to me after you have lost all your money.

90- You’re in a taxi on the way to the airport when you realise you’ve left your passport back in your flat. Though you’re a bit short of time, you know there’s no point in trying to get on to the plane without it, so, you know you must act immediately. Without delay, and in a slight panic, you say to the driver politely:

A) Are you sure I can catch my flight? The traffic seems to be getting worse.

B) I’m sorry, but you had better hurry up and get me to the airport quickly, or I’ll miss my flight.

C) Excuse me, could you please turn round, take me home and wait while I run inside to get something?

D) Could you please stop this vehicle now and let me out so I can go home and collect my passport?

E) I hate having to drive in this rush hour traffic, especially if I'm in a hurry.

91-95. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

91- Felix: Would it be possible to hand this paper in on Monday instead of on Friday?

Teacher: .......

Felix: But there’s no way I can get it done by then. It’s just two days away.

Teacher: I’m sorry to hear that, but it’s simply not my problem.

A) Why don’t you just forget about the paper? It’s just an unnecessary formality anyway.

B) Of course it is. Don’t worry about the due date and just write a paper that you’re proud of.

C) As a matter of fact, I’m not allowed to accept papers before the scheduled completion date.

D) I'm afraid that’s absolutely out of the question. It wouldn’t be fair to the other students.

E) Normally I would say no, but as you’re usually such a good student, I’ll let you do it this time.

92- Charles: How often do you think I need to water these plants?

Denise: I don’t know. Why don’t you ask the salesperson you bought them from?

Charles: .......

Denise: Well, in that case, I’d just go to the florist on the corner and ask him.

A) I can’t do that as I got them as a gift and I don’t know where they were originally purchased.

B) It must be worth a small fortune as it is a rare plant, but I haven't paid anything for it.

C) Do you think you’d be able to do that? I don’t like talking to people about this sort of thing.

D) They will look better in this corner than by the window, won't they?

E) That’s too difficult. Why don’t you just take the plant so that I don’t have to worry about it?

93- Martina: When it’s one in the afternoon here in London, what time is it in New Zealand?

Lisa: .......

Martina: I figured that as you did so much travelling, you’d know that sort of thing.

Lisa: Well, I don’t, but I’m sure Mike does as his parents live in Wellington.

A) It depends on what time of the year it is and whether we’ve changed the clocks.

B) The difference is twelve hours, which would make it one tomorrow morning.

C) Why on earth do you think I’d be able to answer such a strange question?

D) I’m not sure, but we could call the New Zealand office and ask them the time.

E) If you can tell me what the time difference is, I’ll happily do the calculations for you.

94- Darrell: I’ve been invited to two different parties for this Saturday evening.

Nathan: Well, which one do you want to go to?

Darrell: .......

Nathan: I see. Why don’t you tell both groups that you’ve already got arrangements?

A) The problem is that I really want to go to both, but they’re on the opposite sides of town.

B) Personally, I’d rather just stay home, order some pizza and rent a couple of videos.

C) I’d like to go to the one for Sally’s birthday, but I think the other is more important.

D) I was thinking of trying to make an appearance at both and leave after a little while.

E) If I were you, I wouldn’t go to either one and make up some sort of excuse.

95- Tina: ........

Clerk: Could you possibly tell me what the title of it is?

Tina: No, that’s part of the problem. I do know it’s published by Heinle and Heinle, though.

Clerk: That helps. We can order it from the publisher if it’s not in stock.

A) Do you have a book called The Second Language Teacher?

B) Could you suggest a book I might give to a 6-year-old boy for his birthday?

C) I ordered a book the other day and was told it should have arrived by today.

D) I was wondering if you carried book published by a company called Longman.

E) I’m looking for a book written by somebody with the surname of Nunan.

96-100. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

96- (I) When you are riding on a train in the United States, there is a simple method by which you can determine your approximate speed. (II) Needless to say, few people in America take trains, as petrol prices make travelling by car more affordable. (III) If you count the clicks you hear in 27 seconds, the number you get will be your speed in miles per hour. (IV) The only problem you might incur with this formula is if the train is moving very fast. (V) It’s not easy to count to one hundred or so accurately in the space of twenty-seven seconds.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

97- (I) Both the top-level professional golfer and an amateur jump with delight if they manage to make a hole-in-one. (II) The standard golf course consists of 9 or 18 holes, and a typical 9-hole course occupies about 65 acres. (III) The odds against such a shot are said to be about 300,000 to 1, so most players look upon it as a lucky chance rather than an act of skill. (IV) There’s no doubt that it takes good fortune to get the ball to roll into the cup in a single shot. (V) However, it obviously takes plenty of skill to get it close enough to have luck come into play.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

98- (I) One day in 1960, Frank Damek was walking down a street when he picked up a playing card lying on the ground and put it in his pocket. (II) When, three weeks later, he came upon another one, he got the idea that he could eventually find a complete pack. (III) The game that uses probably the largest number of cards is casino blackjack, a simplified form of poker popular with gamblers. (IV) The task proved more difficult than he’d imagined as ten years later he was still fifteen cards short. (V) However, Frank was determined to achieve his goal, and continued his search, finally completing his pack in 1990.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

99- (I) New words have come into English from a number of sources, but by far the largest one is the French language. (II) Antoine Amgine often claimed that he could introduce a new word into the English language in 24 hours. (III) Eventually a friend bet him a large sum of money saying that he couldn’t. (IV) Thus motivated, Antoine spent the night breaking into greengrocer’s all over London, writing and stamping the letters of his name in reverse order on thousands of pieces of fruit. (V) By morning, the strange word was on everybody’s lips and ‘enigma’ came to mean something inexplicably puzzling.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

100- (I) Ella Nazimova, a great beauty of silent films, had become so self-conscious about her terrible teeth that she persuaded a dentist to extract them all and make her a false set. (II) At the time, cheaply produced teeth made of celluloid were very popular, but also highly flammable. (III) Today, titanium dioxide, the "whitest" substance known, is used in such products as false teeth. (IV) Thus, it should have come as no surprise when Nazimova, a renowned smoker, had a terrible accident, and her teeth caught fire. (V) Fortunately, a bystander thought quickly and threw a coat over her head to extinguish the flames.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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