Underoath - Walking Away


New member

the day i left you was the worst mistake i ever made
was ready to become something i didnt need you dragging me
thought your love just wasnt enough
my hair combed, nice shoes tied tight
was ready to conquer life
help unwanted i can do this on my own and then i found myself
tripping over myself, falling and scraping my knee
sadness fills for i know ive failed
why did i leave scared to go back
hoping youll take me in with open arms
but also know the hurt ive caused
the breeze of angel wings
standing there a midst of lowers of every being
tears grow and orchestra begins to play
what a beautiful day, why are you alone
run child its time for you to go home
wounded spirit face in the dirt
i cry out for you to take me in
your heart holds me close, and
i look up to face this world which so scares me
faith in you loneliness just seems to fade
the man once inside now a child walking in your footsteps
hoping held leaves under feet from the threes of fall
listening to autumns call
a deep breathe to continue on, fragile
depending on you Christ carrys me the rest of the walk​

çalıntı - Fizuu

