TEKLA STRUCTURES (Xsteel) ve Lisanssiz KullananlarIN DIKKATINE


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COMPUTERS & ENGINEERING - Mühendislik Yazılımları Danışma ve Sağlama Merkezi'nden:

Sayın TEKLA STRUCTURES (Xsteel dahil) Yazılımları ilgililerine;

TEKLA Extranet’te yayınlanan haber takibeden satırlarda dikkatinize sunulmaktadır. Özet olarak, üretici TEKLA (Finlandiya) firması, TEKLA Structures yazılımlarını lisanssız kullananları (Türkiye dahil) takibe almak üzere BSA (Business Software Alliance) kuruluşuna üye olduğunu belirtmektedir.

İlgili meslekdaşlarımıza duyurulur.

Selam ve saygılarımla

[email protected]
Tel: 0049 6406 73667
Fax: 0049 6406 4745

Tekla fights against piracy
Software piracy is a major global concern for commercial software developers, retailers and distributors worldwide. Software pirates not only survive by cheating software suppliers of their rightful income but also weaken the competitive strength of licensed customers.
Tekla is very firmly committed to ensuring the protection of the users' rights, Tekla's rights, and the rights of other software suppliers, by allocating considerable resources towards global anti-piracy campaigns and to tracking down pirates and other parties involved in making or distributing illegal copies of Tekla’s software. Ensuring that those parties are prosecuted to the full extent of the law is in everybody's best interest. For this reason, piracy of Tekla products is rare, but it does happen.
Tekla is an anti-piracy member of BSA (Business Software Alliance) in the EMEA and Asia areas. The BSA membership provides an international network to better protect our customers' investments by ensuring fair competition. We are working closely with the BSA to further educate the industry about the importance of using legal versions of our products.
Software piracy is illegal in all countries and jurisdictions, in which Tekla products are sold or distributed, and it is also illegal to use any unauthorised copy of Tekla software. Significant civil and criminal penalties may apply to any party who makes or deals with unauthorised copies of Tekla software, or uses the output (drawings, models etc.) made with illegal copies. If you discover any such unauthorised copy of our software, or are aware of any parties you think may be involved in making or dealing with any unauthorised copies of our software, you can assist us to stamp it out by sending an e-mail (anonymously if you wish) to [email protected].

