SocketMail Lite v2.2.5 ($99.00)


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SocketMail Lite v2.2.5 ($99.00)

Designed to allow webmasters who do not have any dedicated server or using shared web-hosting services to provide web based email service.

SocketMail Lite support multi-domain 'alias', that enable you to provide service like From one single web site, users can signup for domain name of their choice and later login to the domain that they have signed up for.

Fetchmail mechanism here refer to the mechanics and method how SocketMail receives incoming mails.

SocketMail Lite in general, have three (3) types of 'fetchmail' mechanism i.e. the method how mails are received by SocketMail Lite and distributed to SocketMail Lite user mailboxes.

- Normal Mechanism:
This is the default method. Using this method require you to establish a catch-all email account for your domain/website. Normally the default e-mail account is the catch-all account, please refer to your webhosting for clarification. Using this method, SocketMail Lite will only scan the catch-all mailbox (via POP3) and distribute the mail to the user mailbox when the user logs in or active in the webmail (SocketMail Lite).

- Crontab/Cron-Job Based Mechanism:
Firstly, to use this method, you will need to be able to run cron-job or schedule job on your webhosting account. Please check with your webhosting provider for clarification. Using this method require you to establish a catch-all email account for your domain/website. Normally the default e-mail account is the catch-all account, please refer to your webhosting for clarification. Using this method, at a pre-defined interval time, SocketMail Lite will scan all mails in the catch-all mailbox (via POP3) and distribute the mails to relevant user mailboxes in SocketMail.

- Pipe Mechanism:
With this mechanism, all mails received by your catch-all mail account will be piped to SocketMail script for processing i.e. all incoming mails will be distributed to the user mailboxes as and when it received by the SMTP server. Therefore, its almost in real-time. To be able to establish this mechanism, your webhosting control panel should be able to allow the mail to be 'pipe' to SocketMail script. We have instruction on how this can be done using cPanel 9.x.


