[video=Sector 7 Full Trailer 2011 Official Trailer 2011]8383[/video]
Yüklenen Video Adı: Sector 7 Full Trailer 2011 Official Trailer 2011
Yüklenen Videonun Kategorisi: Fragman
Videoyu Yükleyen Üye: bLueXtremE
Yüklenen Videonun Kategorisi: Fragman
Videoyu Yükleyen Üye: bLueXtremE
bLueXtremE' Alıntı:"Sector 7? opens this August in South Korea.
At this point, you're probably painfully familiar with the South Korean monster flick "Sector 7?. It's not like we haven't covered the damned thing extensively here at Beyond Hollywood or anything. After waiting for what feels like ages, a full-length English-subtitled trailer for the upcoming creature feature has finally arrived, and I must say I like what I see. It still sort of looks like "Deep Rising" on an oil rig, but I'm okay with that comparison. The clip has been embedded below.