Price Comparison Script - New Version $600.00 !!


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developed in PHP and MySQL is equiped with

Unlimited categories (at unlimited depth)
Unlimited products under each category
Unlimited merchants (online stores)
Unlimited products per merchants
Product catalog (including featured products) to nicely display categories, products, prices and merchant profiles
Product comparison
Product rating and review
Price comparison
Merchant rating and review
Product search
Recent searches
Multi language support
Multi currency support
Search engine friendly pages
Price Alerts for visitors
Email a friend feature
Clickthrough tracking and reporting
Automatic thumbnail generation using GD or imagemagick
Auto-Crawler, for crawling merchants' websites to get products and prices (It is useful if a particular merchant dont support datafeeds)
DataFeeed Import, for importing products from any affiliate datafeed and automatically creating products
Merchant Area for merchants to manage their product prices, view clickthrough reports, update their profile and company logo
Administrator Area for administrator to manage every feature of site
W3C compliant public design
shipping and tax calculation based on zipcode
Search within search
Sitemap (HTML/Text formats)
Merchant Profiles
Improved admin panel with category imports and email registered users/merchants features

Demo Site:



New member
dosyanın bu olduğuna eminmisin hata mesajlarının bi kısmını geçtim, eksik dosyalarıda var ve gerçeğine uzaktan yakından benzemiyo hata bendeyse şimdiden özür de okadarda beceriksiz olduğumu sanmıyorum :)

