osCommerce Yardım


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Arkdaşlar osCommerce 2.2 ücretsiz bir hosta kurdum fakat aşşağıdaki hatayı alıyorum...

SecureSSI: The script (/usr/export/www/hosting/korays/catalog/products_new.php) has tried to access /tmp outside of your home directory.
For security reasons this is not allowed!

Warning: session_save_path() [function.session-save-path]: Security violation: in /usr/export/www/hosting/korays/catalog/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 118
Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /usr/export/www/hosting/korays/catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.
Bu problemi nasL gidereceğim vea ücretli hosta attığım zaman düzelecek mi?

