MATLAB Kitapları


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Burada MATLAB konusunda iyi kitaplar toplamak isterim:

MATLAB7.04 SIMULINK ve Mühendislik Uygulamalar Uğur Arifoğlu

Sakarya Universitesi PROF.DR Uğurarifoğlunun kitabıdır. Kitap tam deil ama buradaki kismida baya yararli.


Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB

In recent years, with the introduction of new media products, there has been a shift in the use of programming languages from FORTRAN or C to MATLAB for implementing numerical methods. This book makes use of the powerful MATLAB software to avoid complex derivations, and to teach the fundamental concepts using the software to solve practical problems. Over the years, many textbooks have been written on the subject of numerical methods. Based on their course experience, the authors use a more practical approach and link every method to real engineering and/or science problems. The main benefit is that engineers don't have to know the mathematical theory in order to apply the numerical methods for solving their real-life problems.
An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available online.
Increasingly, scientists and engineers favor MATLAB over conventional programming languages such as FORTRAN and C when they wish to solve complex problems. This book will enable readers to solve problems without needing to understand all the details of the underlying theory of numerical methods. By providing many examples of the uses of similar functions, it guides them towards the selection of the appropriate MATLAB functions...


A. J. M. Ferreira “MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Analysis: Solids and Structures"

This book illustrates how MATLAB compact and powerful programming framework can be very useful in the finete element analysis of solids and structures. The book shortly introduces finite element concepts and an extensive list of MATLAB codes for readers to use and modify. The book areas range from very simple springs and bars to more complex beams and plates in static bending, free vibrations and buckling problems.


Rao V. Dukkipati “Solving Engineering System Dynamics Problems with MATLAB "

Solving Engineering System Dynamics Problems with MATLAB book is designed as an introductory undergraduate course for engineering students of all disciplines. Engineering system dynamics is a multidisciplinary subject and presents a system dynamics methodology based on mathematical fundamentals and stresses physical system modeling. The classical methods of control systems and vibration analysis engineering are covered: Matrix analysis, Laplace transforms and transfer functions, Root locus analysis and design, Routh-Hurwitz stability analysis, Frequency response methods of analysis including Bode, Nyquist, and Nichols, Steady, state error analysis, Second order systems approximations, Phase and gain margin and bandwidth, state space variable method, and controllability and observability.


Process Control: A First Course with MATLAB

Process Control covers the most essential aspects of process control suitable for a one-semester introductory course. While classical techniques are discussed, Chau also covers state space modeling and control, a modern control topic lacking in most introductory texts. MATLAB, a popular engineering software package, is employed as a powerful yet approachable computational tool. Each chapter concludes with problem sets, to which hints or solutions are provided. The support website provides excellent support in the way of MATLAB outputs of text examples and MATLAB sessions, references, and supplementary notes.


Digital Signal and Image Processing Using MATLAB

This title provides the most important theoretical aspects of Image and Signal Processing (ISP) for both deterministic and random signals. The theory is supported by exercises and computer simulations relating to real applications. More than 200 programs and functions are provided in the MATLAB® language, with useful comments and guidance, to enable numerical experiments to be carried out, thus allowing readers to develop a deeper understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of this subject.


MATLAB Primer, Seventh Edition

With the spread of the powerhouse MATLAB software into nearly every area of math, science, and engineering, it is important to have a strong introduction to using the software. Updated for version 7.0, MATLAB® Primer, Seventh Edition offers such an introduction as well as a "pocketbook" reference for everyday users of the software. It offers an intuitive language for expressing problems and solutions both numerically and graphically. The latest edition in this best-selling series, MATLAB® Primer, Seventh Edition incorporates a number of enhancements such as changes to the desktop, new features for developing M-files, the JIT accelerator, and an easier way of importing Java classes. In addition to the features new to version 7.0, this book includes: · A new section on M-Lint, the new debugger for M-files · A new chapter on calling Java from MATLAB and using Java objects inside the MATLAB workspace · A new chapter on calling Fortran from MATLAB · A new chapter on solving equations: symbolic and numeric polynomials, nonlinear equations, and differential equations · A new chapter on cell publishing, which replaces the "notebook" feature and allows the creation of Word, LaTeX, PowerPoint, and HTML documents with executable MATLAB commands and their outputs · Expanded Graphics coverage-including the 3D parametrically defined seashells on the front and back covers Whether you are new to MATLAB, new to version 7.0, or simply in need of a hands-on, to-the-point reference, MATLAB® Primer provides the tools you need in a conveniently sized, economically priced pocketbook.



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Texas Matlabi kücümsemek yanlis olur, ismini vermek istemedigim yabanci bir firmaya araba yakit sistemi similasyonu ve yönetimi programini sadece matlab kullanarak yaptim (dSPACE kutusu ile)
ayrica rulman yataklariyla ilgili bir matlab projemi bir arastirma kurulusuna sattim gayet ilgi görmüstü
Yalniz dürüst olmak gerekirse ben daha cok almanca kitaplardan matlabi ögrendim, Türkiyede daha cok ingilizce bilindiginden bu kitaplari paylasmak istedim,

Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Third Edition


David McMahon, "MATLAB Demystified"



Altın Üye
defender yanlıs anlama, matlabda güzel bi program tabiiki, ben daha fazla istatistikle ugrastıgım için SAS dedim:)


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Üretim degerlendirmelerinde cok kullanilmasina ragmen bir türlü alisamadigim, tam anlamiyla hakim olamadigim bir konu su istatistik , bana ters

