History and Philosophy of Science


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History and Philosophy of Science

History and Philosophy of Science section from Great Science Textbooks Collection!

01. Applebaum - Encyclopedia of the Scientific Revolution - From Copernicus to Newton (Garland, 2000).pdf [11MB]
02. Bedau - Emergence - Contemporary Readings in Philosophy and Science (MIT, 2008).pdf [4MB]
03. Bortz - Physics - Decade by Decade [20th century] (FOF, 2007) WW.pdf [8MB]
04. Bostock - Space, Time, Matter and Form - Essays on Aristotles Physics (Oxford, 2006).pdf [1MB]
05. Boyd,Gasper,Trout - The Philosophy of Science.pdf [44MB]
06. Boyer - History of Mathematics 2e (Wiley, 1991).pdf [79MB]
07. Brown - Philosophy of Mathematics 2e (Routledge, 2008).pdf [1MB]
08. Brown - Smoke and Mirrors - How Science Reflects Reality (Routledge, 1994).pdf [1MB]
09. Bryson - A Short History Of Nearly Everything.pdf [2MB]
10. Burke - The Day The Universe Changed rev (Back Bay, 1995).djvu [17MB]
11. Cajori - A History of Mathematics [bw] (Macmillan, 1894).pdf [23MB]
12. Calder - Magic Universe - A Grand Tour of Modern Science (Oxford, 2003).pdf [5MB]
13. Cambridge Dictionary of Scientists 2nd ed - D. Millar, et al., (Cambridge, 2002) WW.pdf [39MB]
14. Cassam - The Possibility of Knowledge (Oxford, 2007).pdf [2MB]
15. Christianson - Isaac Newton (Oxford, 2005).pdf [1MB]
16. Cooke - Classical Algebra - Its Nature, Origins and Uses (Wiley, 2008).pdf [11MB]
17. Corfield - Towards a Philosophy of Real Mathematics (Cambridge, 2004).pdf [2MB]
18. Creativity, Psychology and the History of Science - H. Gruber, K. Bodeker (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf [3MB]
19. Darrigol - Electrodynamics from Ampere to Einstein (Oxford, 2002).pdf [22MB]
20. Dear - The Intelligibility of Nature (Chicago, 2006).pdf [1MB]
21. Dilman - Free Will - Historical and Philosophical Introduction (Taylor, 1999).pdf [2MB]
22. Distin - The Selfish Meme (Cambridge, 2005).pdf [2MB]
23. Dorogovtsev - Evolution of Networks - From Biological Nets to the Internet and WWW (Oxford, 2003).chm [8MB]
24. Dugas - A History of Mechanics (Routledge, 1955).pdf [63MB]
25. Dunham - Euler - The Master of Us All (MAA, 1999).djvu [1MB]
26. Eliot - A Companion to the History of the Book (Blackwell, 2007).pdf [6MB]
27. Falcon - Aristotle and the Science of Nature (Cambridge, 2005).pdf [923KB]
28. Ferreiros - Architecture of Modern Mathematics - Essays in History and Philosophy (Oxford, 2006).pdf [6MB]
29. Gillies - Philosophy of Science in the 20th Century [poor scan] (Blackwell, 1993).pdf [101MB]
30. Gindikin - Tales of Mathematicians and Physicists (Springer, 2007).pdf [4MB]
31. Godel, Escher, Bach - An Eternal Golden Braid.pdf [22MB]
32. Grafen - Richard Dawkins - How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think (Oxford, 2006).pdf [3MB]
33. Grant - Reason in Revolt - Dialectical Philosophy and Modern Science - Volume I (Algora, 2002).pdf [3MB]
34. Grant - Reason in Revolt - Dialectical Philosophy and Modern Science - Volume II (Algora, 2003).pdf [3MB]
35. Greenberg - Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries - Development and History 3e (WHF, 1993).pdf [18MB]
36. Hammond - The Science of Synthesis - Exploring the Social Implications of General Systems Theory (Colorado, 2003).pdf [2MB]
37. Hanlon - Ten Questions Science Can't Answer Yet (Macmillan, 2007).pdf [2MB]
38. Harmelen - Handbook of Knowledge Representation (Elsevier, 2008).pdf [6MB]
39. Hassard - The Art of Teaching Science (Oxford, 2005).pdf [59MB]
40. Haven - 100 Greatest Science Discoveries of All Time (LU, 2007).pdf [2MB]
41. Heath - Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements 2e Unabridged - Vol. 1 - Books I-II (Cambridge, 1968).pdf [20MB]
42. Heath - Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements 2e Unabridged - Vol. 2 - Books III-IX (Cambridge, 1968).pdf [17MB]
43. Heath - Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements 2e Unabridged - Vol. 3 - Books X-XIII (Cambridge, 1968).pdf [20MB]
44. Hellman - Great Feuds in Mathematics - Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever (Wiley, 2006).djvu [2MB]
45. Henderson - A to Z of Computer Scientists - Notable Scientists [biographies] (FOF, 2003).pdf [2MB]
46. Hersh - What is Mathematics, Really (Oxford, 1997).pdf [17MB]
47. Hoffman - The Man Who Loved Only Numbers - The Story of Paul Erdos [mathematician] (1998).pdf [13MB]
48. Intuition in Science and Mathematics - E. Fischbein (2005) WW.pdf [1MB]
49. Jammer - Concepts of Mass in Contemporary Physics and Philosophy (Princeton, 2000).pdf [10MB]
50. Jared Diamond - Guns, Germs and Steel.pdf [3MB]
51. Jennex - Knowledge Management [6 volumes] (IGI, 2007).pdf [61MB]
52. Kelvin - Life, Labours and Legacy - R. Flood, et al., (Oxford, 2008) WW.pdf [10MB]
53. Korzybski - Science and Sanity 5e (IGS, 1994).pdf [40MB]
54. Kuhn - The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 3e.pdf [27MB]
55. Kuipers - General Philosophy of Science - Focal Issues (Elsevier, 2007).pdf [5MB]
56. Ladyman - Understanding Philosophy of Science (Routledge, 2002).pdf [1005KB]
57. Leiter - A to Z of Physicists - Notable Scientists [biographies] (FOF, 2003).pdf [3MB]
58. Leroy - A Century of Nobel Prize Recipients - Chemistry, Physics and Medicine (Dekker, 2003).pdf [38MB]

and many more...


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