cs zm eklentiler ve skinler

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New member


GHW GHR (Grab + Hook + Rope)

This plugin gives admins the ability to use the grab (grab a player and move him by aiming at him and pressing a button), hook (fly to a place by aiming at it and pressing a button), and rope (Swing from a location like Tarzan by aiming at it and pressing a button). Admins can also give individual or all players grab, hook, and/or rope.

Commands (Flag "o"):
+grab - Use: bind key +grab
grab_toggle - Toggles your grab on and off

+hook - Use: bind key +hook
hook_toggle - Toggles your hook on and off

+rope - Use: bind key +rope
rope_toggle - Toggles your rope on and off

amx_give_grab - Give a player the ability to grab <nick>
amx_give_hook - Give a player the ability to hook <nick>
amx_give_rope - Give a player the ability to rope <nick>

amx_take_grab - Take a player's ability to grab <nick>
amx_take_hook - Take a player's ability to hook <nick>
amx_take_rope - Take a player's ability to rope <nick>

amx_ghr_menu - Shows a menu that allows you to turn on/off non-admin use of grab, hook, or rope

grab_speed - The speed at which players move when grabbed (Default: 5)
hook_speed - The speed at which you fly when using hook (Default: 5)
rope_speed - The speed at which you swing when using rope (Default: 5)
grab_enabled - 1=allow everyone to use grab, 0=only admins
hook_enabled - 1=allow everyone to use hook, 0=only admins
rope_enabled - 1=allow everyone to use rope, 0=only admins

link 1:http://www.amxmodx.org/plcompiler_vb.cgi?file_id=8832 GHW_GHR.amxx:vur

link 2:http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=8832&d=1158527377 GHW_GHR.sma:vur

Eklenti 2:durdurun


This is my first plugin so I hope I don't break a rule with it.

It adds a new weapon to CS - the bazooka.
The bazooka is dropped by an admin somewhere on the map.
Then the players can find it and pick it up (and have fun with it).

link 1:http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=2449&d=1109774542:vur

link 2:http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=2713&d=1113404001:vur

link 3:http://www.amxmodx.org/plcompiler_vb.cgi?file_id=5089 bazooka.amxx:vur

link 4:http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=5089&d=1137839173 bazooka.sma:vur

Eklenti 3:durdurun

Laser/TripMine Entity v2.3:biggrin

Lazer kurmak için tuş atamanız lazım. Ben v tuşunu kullanıyorum.

Tuş atamak için;
* konsolu açın,
* bind v +setlaser yazın
* konsolu kapayın
* duvara yada kuracağınız nesneye yaklaşın
* c4 kurar gibi v tuşuna basın ve bekleyin

Çoklu lazer kurulumu;
* konsolu açın
* +setlaser yazın
* seri tekrarlayın bunu [5-6 kez] (+setlaser, enter, yukarı ok tuşu, enter, yukarı ok tuşu, enter...)
* konsolu kapayın
* zıplayın yada ok tuşları ile sağ sol yapın yada mouse ile sağ sol yapın
* 5 - 6 lazer kurarsınız
edit: seri olmazsanız ya az lazer kurarsınız yada zıplamadığınız / sağ - sol yapmadığınız için 5 lazeri de aynı açıya kurarsınız :)

link 1:http://www.amxmodx.org/plcompiler_vb.cgi?file_id=28647:vur:vur

link 2:http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=28647&d=1215847549:vur:vur

link 3:http://www.amxmodx.org/plcompiler_vb.cgi?file_id=28875:vur:vur

link 4:http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=28875&d=1216195944:vur:vur

link 5:http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=28917&d=1216476140:vur:vur

link 6:http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=28918&d=1216476152:vur:vur

link 7:http://www.amxmodx.org/plcompiler_vb.cgi?file_id=29018:vur:vur

link 8:http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=29018&d=:vur1216475901:vur:vur


Eklenti 4:

Zombie Plague mod 4.1:biggrin

Download and extract the contents from the .zip files to your server's mod directory (cstrike or czero) and make sure to keep folder structure
zp_plugin_41.zip: Contains the plugin itself and configuration files
zp_resources.zip: Contains default models and sounds (only required for a first download)
For further information on the plugin, including cvars and commands, take a look at the included ReadMe.txt file

link 1:http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=28817&d=1216059497:vur
link 2:http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=32939&d=1224899679


New member
mouse u oyunun üzerine getir sağ tıkla özelliklere gir _hedef bul a gir _cs strike dosyasına oorada göreceksin dosyaları tek tek at gir oraya at:DD:D:


New member
.sma dosyalarını cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting e
öbürünüde cstrike/addons/amxmodx/pluginse atılcak

