

cursum perficio
23-year old Italian Isabel Caro, suffers from anorexia and has been in fifteen years, became famous after the famous advertising campaign provocateurs Olivero Toskani.

Iisabelle in 13 years came to the hospital with exhaustion. She grew up in isolation from the outside world. Sometimes she could not even leave the house. Her father, a businessman, was constantly in passing. Her mother, a teacher, suffered from severe depression.

Little Isabelle privacy at home. Like many teenagers she has the violin, studied ride skates, and even tried himself in the ballet. "

Now she weighs just over 30 kg at 1.65 metres growth. All traces of her body will retain its disease for life. "I can not ever have long hair. I lost teeth," - she says. Her breasts look like breasts 60 - year-old woman, under her skin almost black eyes and thin



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