ADAPT-Floor Pro v3


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ADAPT-Floor Pro v3 Spec Sheet

Product Overview
New - You can now order ADAPT-Floor Pro bundled with Revit Structure! Contact ADAPT sales for package pricing.

Three-dimensional (3D) Finite Element Software for Analysis and Design of Concrete and Post-Tensioned Floor and Foundation Systems. Built on ADAPT's unique TrueStructure™ modeling and analysis technology, this software provides a powerful, yet easy to use tool for the analysis of all types of slab systems. Unlike other 2D diaphragm-based slab design programs, ADAPT-Floor Pro's true 3D FEM analysis provides the most accurate results even for the most complex transfer and waffle slabs. Its Dynamic Rebar Design (DRD)™ module gives structural engineers complete control over the design and placement of mild reinforcement, leading to optimized designs. Extensive import and export capabilities further streamline the design process through to the creation of structural drawings.

ADAPT clients worldwide use ADAPT-Floor Pro and our extensive expert support to be the most productive and deliver the highest quality post-tensioning designs.

* Click here to view summary of new v3 features...
* Generates a true 3D solid model of an entire floor system
* Imports various file and model formats
o DWG/DXF files
o Autodesk® REVIT® Structure model view online video ...

(1:1 bi-directional integration with physical model)
o ETABS model (geometry, lateral load cases, and gravity loads) more ...
o Staad.Pro model (geometry and gravity loads)
* Uses Component Technology to assemble an entire floor system using structural components, such as slab regions, walls, columns, drop caps, drop panels, and openings.
* Models slabs, steps above and below the slab, and beams
* Place column and wall supports anywhere
* Apply loads of any configuration, anywhere on the slab with a mouse click
* Dynamically model and edit tendons in plan or elevation more ...
* Supports live load patterning and automatically reduced live loads, where applicable
* View and examine the solid model to verify the accuracy of the structure's representation
* Performs a detailed finite element analysis of the entire floor systems and its supporting structure using flat shell and frame elements
* Calculate cracked section deflections and view extent of cracking in slab and beams - New
* Specify typical top and bottom reinforcement mesh
* Easily define support lines - even for complex geometries
o Automatically generates all critical design sections
o Column strip / middle strip option - New
* Performs code check and reports the location and amount of reinforcement needed
* Calculates punching shear stresses and performs check
* Designs punching shear reinforcement (shear stud or open stirrup)
* Generate both graphical and tabular reports
* Edit graphical rebar layout report to optimize rebar layout view online video ...
* Export rebar and post-tensioning structural drawings directly into AutoCAD
* Export rebar design as 3D model objects into Revit Structure
* Click here to see graphic of Floor Pro design process...
* Click here for ADAPT-Floor Pro Screen Shots...
* Click here to read about latest release: EXTM...

The program comes supports the following design codes:

* ACI-318 (1999 and 2005)
* IBC (International Building Code) 2003
* British-BS8110 (1997)
* Canadian-A23.3 (1994)
* Canadian-A23.3 (2004) - New
* Australian-AS3600 (2001)
* Brazilian-NBR6118 (2001)
* Indian IS456 (2005 reprint) - New
* European EC2 (2004)

The program supports the following units:

* SI
* American Customary

Hardware Requirements

* PC compatible computer
* Windows operating system
* Minimum of 508 MB RAM
* 20 GB hard drive

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Product Details
ADAPT-Floor Pro, is a special purpose modeling, analysis and design program based on "Component Technology". It performs its analysis and design using the Finite Element Method (FEM). In modeling the entire floor system, ADAPT-Floor Pro faithfully accounts for all openings, cutouts, beams, walls, columns, drop caps and drop panels. Profiled tendons in a slab or beam can be specified with any shape, in any arbitrary location, as either bundled or distributed tendons. The program can automatically detect and report should there be interference between tendons crossing different directions.

Based on "Component Technology," the user generates the structural model, using structural components such as beams, slabs, columns, and drop caps. Neither nodes, nor elements are used to generate and verify the structural model. Loads can be applied at any location and in any configuration with a click of the mouse. The comprehensive results include deflection of the slab, moments and shears, prestressing and hyperstatic moments due to prestressing. Moments and shears can be summed up over the tributaries, or at user-defined sections for design purposes.

Once the model is generated and viewed in a three dimensional solid for verification, using an adaptive automatic meshing technique, the program discretizes the structure into an appropriate number of finite elements. The program then analyzes the structure. No manual meshing is needed. However, if so desired, the user can view and edit the automatically generated mesh.

ADAPT-Floor Pro is upgradeable to the integrated ADAPT-Builder suite of programs.

ADAPT-Builder/Floor has all the capabilities of ADAPT-Modeler. Like ADAPT-Modeler, the data can be imported from a dwg or dxf file, or drafted using the drawing capabilities of the program. The software is particularly suited for irregular floor systems, where a closer approximation to the distribution of deflection, moments and shears are sought.

Mounted on ADAPT-Builder, the new ADAPT-Floor Pro is now featuring capabilities far beyond its predecessors. The following is a sample of some of its new features.


* Uses DWG or DXF of an existing architectural drawing and ADAPT's smart tools to automatically convert the drawing entities into structural components, such as columns, beams and slab. Tracing is minimized.
* If there is no DWG or DXF, you can use the extensive drafting capabilities of ADAPT to draw the structure with speed and ease. Special snapping tools and model generation features provided with the program were developed with building structures in mind.
* Re-written in a true 3D environment; it can now model elements which are not necessarily cylindrical or prismatic in the vertical direction. This opens the way to model ramps in parking structures.
* Using expert systems, the software has moved beyond the traditional finite element technology. It is now based on Component Technology, where a structure is defined in terms of columns, beams, slabs, drop caps, tendons, as opposed to finite elements, mesh nodes. It is no longer necessary for the user to mesh a drop cap, or a beam, or a slab region into finite elements.
* Addition of beams and girders along with other structural components, not formerly available in earlier versions of Floor, makes new release ideal for one-way slab and beam construction of parking structures.
* A smart data validation routine checks the designer's input data and the structural model generated for possible errors, and suggests corrections where necessary.
* Meshing for the analysis, where needed, is generated automatically in the background. This is a dramatic departure for the former versions, where as an example finite elements were used to define a slab region.
* Artificial intelligence built into the program automatically determines where reinforcement is needed, and reports the reinforcement in number of bars, length and location. This eliminates the likelihood of error in a designer's work in missing a critical area or necessity of reinforcement in a floor system.
o Support lines can be generated automatically using the support line wizard.
o Design sections are created automatically for the entire structure.
o Design checks are performed automatically for the entire floor system.
o Reinforcement is shown in elevation at the location it occurs.
* The new smart viewer displays actions, such as distribution of moments, shears and axial loading along a member, such as a beam as well as across it. This brings the display within the realm of what most concrete designers wanted to see, but was not available before in slab/beam software.


* Uses integrated tendon modeling as opposed to "balanced loading". This overcomes many of the approximations and shortcomings inherent in the conventional modeling of post-tensioning, " Ask ADAPT to fax you the background to the integrated technology [Aalami, Bijan, O Structural Modeling of Post-Tensioned Members." American Society of Civil Engineers, Structural Journal, February 2000, pp. 157-162].
* An expert system implemented generates the tendon layout for the entire floor system based on ADAPT's pre-defined, but user modifiable, layout criteria.
* Using tendon diameter and the layout, the software checks for possible interference of tendons where they may intersect in the three dimensional space. This is of particular importance for grouted tendons, where the tendon diameter is large relative to member dimensions.
* It allows for gradual changes in prestressing force along each tendon due to friction and seating loss, while retaining the option of "effective force" design.
* You can select each tendon and view it in elevation within the concrete outline. On the same outline, you can see the tendons crossing in the opposite direction. This is a leap forward toward generation of shop drawings as well as elimination of errors in tendon layout.


* Fully or partially soil supported foundation mats can be modeled and fully designed as either a RC or PT mat. All the modeling and intelligence features built in for the elevated structure are available for the design of the mat.


* ADAPT-Builder offers for the first time the design capability of a three-dimensional foundation slab based on PTI's principles for the design of ground supported slabs on expansive soils. In this case, the structural model of the full foundation slab is subjected to the applied ym displacements.


* The structural model generated can be used with no modification to run either on ADAPT-PT, or ADAPT-RC, both of which are based on Equivalent Frame Method. Conversely, the User can first design the floor system using ADAPT-PT, determine the optimum force, profile and location of the post-tensioning. and then within the same model run the ADAPT-Builder-Floor Finite Element Analysis. The procedure is detailed in a PTI publication [Aalami, Kelly, "Design of Concrete Floors with Particular Reference to Post-Tensioning, PTI, Technical Note 11, issue 2001, pp.16].


* ADAPT-Builder is the corner stone of a suite of programs for modeling, analysis and design of concrete structures. The development is well ahead in the integration of the suite to multi-level modeling and design. The multi-level modeling and design includes wind and earthquake forces, as well as shear wall, column and foundation design.


* Since the new ADAPT-Builder-Floor integrates all the modules of ADAPT software system, the current users of the following programs can each upgrade to the new system, knowing that that model and data generated for one program can be used in the other. Users can each expand their software system to the extent they need. The members of the initial group of software with data exchange and upgrade capability are:
o ADAPT-Floor
o ADAPT-Modeler
The above will be integrated through ADAPT-Builder. Near future and upgradeable software modules are:
o ADAPT Builder Plus with multi-level capability, wind and seismic


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