The Range Rover is an icon and we do not use the words as persuasively as some!
Expanding the appeal of the Range Rover by combining Cosworths engineering with quintessential British styling beckons an imperial sentiment of a truly ambitious degree.
Akin to Blenheim Palace or the Cotswolds both of which, inadvertently, are places where Range Rovers gather like wilderbeest - Afzal Kahns latest offering, the *Imperial Blue Cosworth edition, is a part of the landscape of Britain.
Expanding the appeal of the Range Rover by combining Cosworths engineering with quintessential British styling beckons an imperial sentiment of a truly ambitious degree.
Akin to Blenheim Palace or the Cotswolds both of which, inadvertently, are places where Range Rovers gather like wilderbeest - Afzal Kahns latest offering, the *Imperial Blue Cosworth edition, is a part of the landscape of Britain.